just finished a new song (instrumental metal) - feedback appreciated

I'll be honest dude it needs a lot of work. Drums need the most work. Cymbals are too loud. Snare is very sloppy and too "crackly" sounding. Kicks need some of the "cardboard" removed from them, the 250hz range is where the cardboard lies. Also the velocities on the drums need to be changed up because it's obvious that the drums are programmed. There's no "feel" or "human" element about them. Get a solid drum kit sound to work with and go from there. It's doesn't matter how good everything else sounds, if the drums sound like shit then EVERYTHING sounds like shit. Take your time and A/B the kit against some stuff your wanting it to sound like and go from there. Trail and error my friend. Good luck.
I'll be honest dude it needs a lot of work. Drums need the most work. Cymbals are too loud. Snare is very sloppy and too "crackly" sounding. Kicks need some of the "cardboard" removed from them, the 250hz range is where the cardboard lies. Also the velocities on the drums need to be changed up because it's obvious that the drums are programmed. There's no "feel" or "human" element about them. Get a solid drum kit sound to work with and go from there. It's doesn't matter how good everything else sounds, if the drums sound like shit then EVERYTHING sounds like shit. Take your time and A/B the kit against some stuff your wanting it to sound like and go from there. Trail and error my friend. Good luck.

Thanks a lot, man, I appreciate your feedback.
By changing up the velocities, do you mean to just randomly vary the velocities of the drums overall?