Just finished our cd cover!

Very cool cover!
i wish i could do art stuff like that!!
Theres something i dont like about the text "autumn tribe" tho...but i think its just coz its in solid black colour.. but thats a verrry minor point!!.. i love the font used for the 'A' and 'T'. Overall im impressed!

what did u use to make the cover? and where did u get the pictures u used to make it with?
I used Picture It 2001 by Microsoft. Its made up of 4 pictures, 2 of them are from Microsoft Graphics and 1 is a cloud effect that I layered, and the female in the picture is in our band.
PSP is good.. but still try to get your hands on Photoshop, of course. It's the single-most-pirated software out there.. but I paid for my copy...really.

I like the cover a lot. The clock effect is really nice and subtle. I wonder though.. could the font be any bigger? Picture standing in a music store a few feet back from a cd, could you still read it?

Just a comment, but it's overall very good!
I recognize the font... "Kelly Ann Gothic", I seem to recall it being named (oh guy, I can recognize fonts by name now...). Very very cool, I like the overall mood, and that's the important thing.

Some nit-picky things from a graphics guy to hopefully offer some helpful constructive criticism:
- that's not the right dimensions for a CD Cover, is it? How are you planning on cropping it?
- the person standing in the photo isn't quite 100% convincing... the relative size looks alright, the tones are really good... I think they might just need a shadow.
- I'd lose the purple outer glow on the title... the font is bold enough to stand out without it and it looks kinda... amateurish, I guess. Also, it might look better in the bottom-right, as that might provide more visual balance against the figure on the left side of the image (I'd have to see it to be sure... it's kinda an opinion thing, too, though)
- you said 2 of the pictures are from Microsoft Graphics... I don't know what the scope of your plans are for this image so I don't know what kinda of copyright issues might be involved, but the thought occured to me you might want to take that into consideration
- maybe, if you increase the font size as Duvall suggested, you could put the first word above the second... i.e.
that might look better, I don't know, but try it if you're going to play with it some more.

Finally, the guys are right when it comes to Photoshop... it's really the ONLY tool for this sort of work. I've been using it (professionally, for awhile) for about 3 or 4 years now and I still learn new things about it from time to time. I just love it.

Really cool stuff, man, I hope the above helps you out... graphics are fun - keep at it!