Just got my MIJ Burny Les Paul Custom!


On The Fields Of Life
Jul 12, 2005
Greensburg, PA
Just figured I would share this with you guys. This thing is as close to a real Gibson LP Custom I've found. It's incredibly heavy, the neck is huge, and it sounds massive. Looks almost dead on as well. The stock Fernandes pickups actually sound good, I was surprised. The middle pickup position is so odd though, it makes a full on wah pedal sound, not just a little bit, I'm talking full on wah. I have no idea why it does that, but it's very fun to mess around with and sounds really cool. Here are some pics..







And one of Mike Amott with his for good measure...

Couldn't be a out of phase wiring responsible for that middle pickup sound?
I have that wiring in most of my guitars and it's cool for some things.
Sweetnothing said:
Couldn't be a out of phase wiring responsible for that middle pickup sound?
I have that wiring in most of my guitars and it's cool for some things.

Might be? I dunno what it is, but it sounds really cool.

I'm down at school now, with no amp, so I'll record some stuff next time I go home.
That wiring is done just soldering the pickup's wires wrong, let me explain myself: soldering the ground to the hot and viceversa, while maintaining the "naked wire" to ground.
It doesn't affect the sound when using them alone, but when u select both, the phased sound appears

Sorry if I explained poorly, my english sucks badly :D
I would guess phasing, if not with both humbuckers then maybe a coil from one and the other dual out of phase with each other.

My 6-string has the pickups out of phase with each other (neck is a stock Dean with blade magnets, bridge is a Dimarzio Super Distortion) and basically what it's doing in my case, because the Dimarzio is so powerful, is taking out a lot of the fundamental and making up for it in harmonics - there's a lot more bite, so it sounds... bridgier. Those pickups are probably closer in output so that could accentuate it more, but I love the sound I get out of my pickups the way they are.

Nice find man. I had a look at a white Burny LP the otehr week and was very impressed. I almost bought it, but it was second hand, and for some stupid, money wasting reason, i don't like buying guitars that aren't new.