Just got my proof copy of the hardcover Scum...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... ah, fun times!

Page numbers? Woops!

This "gutter" thing becomes important when there's actual binding.

Back cover logo is... too big for the space. Woops!

Ah well. So there's more work to be done on the SPECIAL DELUXE WOOPIE edition of Scum... but, at least there are no bonus tracks. :D
WTF No Bonus Tracks? If I don't get the acoustic version or the native language version of one of the articles I already read I'm going to be pissed.

Next thing you are going to tell me is there will be no digipak version of this release. How else can I truly love the small printed coverart?
Figured it was a good first step towards figuring out how I'm going to do the back-issues books. A lot of it is re-formatted and edited, a lot of it isn't. Doing it in smaller chunks is probably a better idea than looking at this monstrous thing and deciding to do it all at once.

Issues 1 - 4
Issues 5 - 7
Weeklies 1 - 20
Weeklies 21 - 40
Weeklies 41 - 52
Issues 60 - 64

Or something like that. Scum, at a reasonable font, is almost 100 pages by itself.
Jim LotFP said:
So there's more work to be done on the SPECIAL DELUXE WOOPIE edition of Scum... but, at least there are no bonus tracks. :D
Will there be a preface, postscript or both added?
Will there be a preface, postscript or both added?

Actually, no. I know nobody's going to buy an entire book because an extra page of commentary was added somewhere, but I liked the idea of it being just what it originally was. Seeing as Scum will remain on the website in full, this project really is just a vanity publishing project, but the old stuff when it's ready should be a more serious thing since I'm all out of copies. :)