Just got my ticket..


Mar 16, 2003
North Carolina, USA
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my ticket just pronted off for the Winston Salem show in about 2 weeks. I cannot wait!! I missed em the last two times (with nevermore at ziggys and up at Jaxx in january). We're gettin up there ealry as hell to get a front row spot!!! Anyone else going to that show??
i might miss them on NJ here may 15th... since i've got no ride i've made absolutely no attempt to get tickets, i'm stupid.

anyway, have lots of fun!
yea man, i'll be there, and be there early too, me and my girl, we will be the only preppy lookin ones there so if ya see us give us a shout, plan on doing a bit of partying after the show to so.....
how big of a show do you guys that live down there expect this to be? how big is ziggys and what should i look out for? i've never been to ziggy's before so i really know nothing about the place
I think I'm going to the Columbus show with my friend and girlfriend. I got really excited when I saw a Pittsburgh date for Lacuna Coil, but then found out that Opeth wasn't going to be there... So, I plan to go to both!:grin:
lacent: ziggys is not a huge place....its pretty big...all wood....its kindda cool when people start moving around on the floor because the whole place shakes....i saw a bass player's speaker cabinet fall over once....but you are right up in their faces....the stage is like 6 or 8 inches off the ground.....awesome place to see opeth......then the next night is METAL GODS!!! TESTAMENT!! HELL YEAH!
i emailed their manager and begged and groveled. since i helped out with the photography on the last two albums for free basically, i just asked him and he said it should be cool, i just need to email him and remind him when the time gets closer to the show. incidently, my wife and i will be going to the show to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. not that anyone cares. :p
Thanks guys, the compliments really mean a lot to me right now (not to sound gay or anything) I think i should take off some of the old ones tho, i think it kinda brings some of the stonger pics down a little. i may replace them slowly.

i doubt i can get y'all on the list :loco: i was actually very surprised that i was getting on it LOL