Just heard a new SKID ROW song...

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
What in the fuck is this? "New Generation"

Good production, nice drum sound... but what is up with the Marilyn Manson ripoff? And check out these lyrics:

"We are part of the new generation,
Sold our souls to the next temptation,
Leads us to damnation..."

They're basically singing about selling out....


All this tells me is Skid Row ain't Skid Row without Sebastian Bach.

Has anyone besides me ever heard "Subhuman Race," the release they had after they took Pantera on the road with them?
Subhuman Race is the only Skid Row I have, I always liked it but probably haven't listened to it for years. The fold out of Satan Devouring His Children was pretty wicked, too. :Smokedev:

What is ol' Sebastian up to nowadays? Funny mufucka...
Papa Josh said:
He was recently kicked off of the Broadway production Jesus christ Superstar.. something about his behavior in public at a bar, etc.
No, no, no - much funnier. At the end of his shows, he would come out for his encore round of applause and high five the fans at the front of the stage as if it was a rock gig. The theater production felt this was inappropriate - particularly since he was playing ol' Jesus. He told them to get off their high throne, so they crowned him in thorns and strung him up. Or something like that. Maybe that was when he was Dr Jeckyl....I dunno.
lurch70 said:
the first 2 releases are amazing ...
...and the only two worth having / listening to. Subhuman Race was an abomination IMO. It failed at heavy rock, it failed at punk, and the production sucked monkey teggits.

Best SKID ROW sudio songs were probably on Slave to the Grind ("Quicksand Jesus" was probably their greatest song ever), but the best live stuff was from the debut - shit like "Piece of Me", "Big Guns", and "Makin' a Mess".

Seeing a SKID ROW gig back in the day was like going to see SLAYER. Fucking intense.
Well, in all fairness, Jesus Christ Superstar is pretty much rock in a theatre setting. I didn't know he played Jesus in that, great role for him. I saw a production of that not too long ago, they modernized the scenery but kept the original script. Best Judas ever, too.

:headbang: <-- was invented because of Jesus Christ Superstar
Seeing a SKID ROW gig back in the day was like going to see SLAYER. Fucking intense.
Never saw them live, but I know Bach is friends with a lot of the thrashier bands. If I remember correctly he even shows up at the end of Slayer's Live Intrusion video doing some of his antics in their dressing room.
JayKeeley said:
...and the only two worth having / listening to. Subhuman Race was an abomination IMO. It failed at heavy rock, it failed at punk, and the production sucked monkey teggits.

Whatever dude. "My Enemy," "Eileen," "Face Against My Soul,"(a personal fave), "Beat Yourself Blind," "Remains to Be Seen." EXCELLENT STUFF. By far their most textured.

The production?

Well, Bob Rock strikes again..... 'nuff said.
lurch70 said:
If I remember correctly he even shows up at the end of Slayer's Live Intrusion video doing some of his antics in their dressing room.
"Slayer hang out with pretty boys like me!" :D Yeah, that's right...

Only got Skird Row's first album but it's damn fine. Youth Gone Wild :headbang: 18 & Life :headbang: :headbang: