Just made a new site

Apr 3, 2005
Check it out guys, i woked pretty hard on it. It's deffenitly not finished yet, but its on its way. The whole site is bassed on Anthrax Pantera. Pretty cool. I think some of you guys will likey.

The site
MetalThrasher442 said:
Check it out guys, i woked pretty hard on it. It's deffenitly not finished yet, but its on its way. The whole site is bassed on Anthrax Pantera. Pretty cool. I think some of you guys will likey.

The site

Ironies of ironies, I just got done my new website, too! But that's a whole different post.

I like the logo of Panthrax you did! Try to put it into the header of the site where it says Panthrax now instead of the text. Also, please, for the love of god, get rid of those things following my cursor! No offense, but they always get annoying fast no matter how well intentioned they are. It's distracting from the look of the site. Same deal with the ghosts on the main page.

Overall, a decent concept. Change the copyright information, though. (C) Pantera, Anthrax, and all respective parties. Design (C) Austin Kelso.
LuvataciousSkull said:
Ironies of ironies, I just got done my new website, too! But that's a whole different post.

I like the logo of Panthrax you did! Try to put it into the header of the site where it says Panthrax now instead of the text. Also, please, for the love of god, get rid of those things following my cursor! No offense, but they always get annoying fast no matter how well intentioned they are. It's distracting from the look of the site. Same deal with the ghosts on the main page.

Overall, a decent concept. Change the copyright information, though. (C) Pantera, Anthrax, and all respective parties. Design (C) Austin Kelso.

Alright thanx for the advise I'll get on it when i feel like it.