Just posted a song from my side project

Hey everyone we just posted a song last night. Scott Huffman from Mindwarp Chamber/ ex-Twelfth Gate did vocals for us. If you get time check it out and let us know what you think.
OK... so this song totally rips. Will you be releasing a proper full-length with Scott on vocals? Based on that track, 'd buy that in a heartbeat.

OK... so this song totally rips. Will you be releasing a proper full-length with Scott on vocals? Based on that track, 'd buy that in a heartbeat.


Thanks Zod!

We have a whole album already written and demoed, but Scott is really busy right now so he won't be able to do the whole album. But I'm going to try really really hard to convince him otherwise :)
We have a whole album already written and demoed, but Scott is really busy right now so he won't be able to do the whole album. But I'm going to try really really hard to convince him otherwise :)
You seriously should. I think you guys have a great dynamic together. And I think that you have something that is not only very good, but marketable with the context of the Metal scene. Good luck.
