Just produced a Candlelight release + female death-metal act (.mp3)


Oct 5, 2003
Candlelight just released She Said Destroys debut Time like vines,
I engineered the album and it was produced and mixed by me and the band in my studio.

Have a listen:


I also engineered, produced and mixed female deathmetal band Zeenon's debut Blood Vessel Criteria released on Retribute Records. Only the drummer in this band is a dude. They kill Arch Enemy...lots of blast beats, hehe.


Make shure to check'em both out....they rule!

I also engineered, mixed and produced large portions of the Susperia - Devil May Care EP wich was released the other day. Make shure to check that one out too!
Cool. I like that She Said Destroy album. Good band. Since I guess this will be a bit of a critique of the overall sound rather than the music, I'll say that it's nice to hear something not so typically Norwegian coming from Norway. I like the drum sound especially. Not sure if there's triggers involved, but they sound nice and natural which makes a very pleasant change these days. It's a touch on the dry side overall to my personal taste, but it's definitely a job well done. Nice one!
Ok, try downloading the Zeenon samples from their web at instead, works fine then..


The SSD guitars was Marshall jmp-1 -> Mesa Recto 2:100 -> Marshall 4x12 loaded with Celestion Classic Lead -> Shure SM57/Beta57 combo -> API3124+.

Only one guitar in each channel. Some of the leads where done with a Mesa Recto pre instead of the Marshall JMP-1. All clean was recording outs of the Mesa pre,

We diden't use any hi-hat mic in the mix so we'd get less phase-issues...

We sampled the drummers bassdrum with a Beta52/91 combo and used it as a trigger sample...the rest of the kit is accoustic.