Just regular old rock n' f'n roll...


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Name some straight up rock bands, no crazy keyboard arrangements, no 9 vocalists doing 12 part harmonies, no record breaking double bass, just "I wanna wear a big skull on my black tshirt and dance foolishly" rock and fucking roll.

Monster Magnet
I love these dudes, nothing fancy whatsoever. Lots of power chords, lots of goat horns, slutty women, and beer. Sometimes they can be a throwback to 70s rock, but usually are a 90s take on 80s metal. Or something.

Stone Temple Pilots
These dudes never relied on crazy arrangements, it's just bass/drums/vocals/guitar all the time. Sometimes a little too sugarcoated, but most of their catalog is pretty strong.

Kik Tracee
I'm sure these guys dissolved into obscurity long ago, but they had one really cool song in the early 90s, In Trance. Nothing special, just a good god damn vibe.

Wrote every riff that Black Sabbath forgot to, I really miss these dudes. Amazing how Page Hamilton's complex chords could easily be mimicked in dropped-D with just an index finger. :)
Ayeka said:
Errrrrr....The Darkness? :erk:
I heard some The Darkness on the radio the other day. Heh, it's funny because there's been a slight uproar with the amount of airplay they get vs. the number of people who can't stand them - particularly because of the lead singers vocals. (I think he can sing across 1000 octaves or something crazy like that)!.

Anyway, I guess the American radio audiences aren't ready for something so 'off the wall'. It's not exactly underground, but thank fuck it's not another POD or Godsmack.
Firebird - definitely check them out. they're some kind of crazy side project by ex-carcass/cathedral/spiritual beggars dudes. just good old seventies rock... gotta love that.
other than that, i love the spiritual beggars. what a great band. newer cathedral is very rockish as well, though essentially they're still a doom band. i like some fu manchu too, but i've never heard a full album by them, just random MP3s.
JayKeeley said:
Anyway, I guess the American radio audiences aren't ready for something so 'off the wall'. It's not exactly underground, but thank fuck it's not another POD or Godsmack.
Anything but underground over here, boyo! You simply can't escape them! I'll be sad when the backlash starts, though...they're well overexposed but damn good fun and I wanna see if they can surprise us with the next album (or maybe the one after...)

Have they appeared in Rolling Stone yet?
Firebird, yes good one. Bill Steer is one of my all time favorite guitarists.

Ayeka, if you could track down any Kik Tracee you'd probably enjoy it. :)

Who is this Darkness? I've heard the name but that's it. I never trust the mainstream to play proper underground...
Ayeka said:
Have they appeared in Rolling Stone yet?
Yep. The same one with Britney Spears with her tits oot for the lads on the front cover. They probably owe her some of their American fame & publicity, heh.
Alice Cooper
I'm not talking now. I'm not talking Hey Stoopid or Poison even. Hell, I'm not even talking about Welcome to My Nightmare. I'm talking Alice with Glen Buxton, Michael Bruce, Dennis Dunaway, and Neal Smith. Pure fucking rock n roll. Love It To Death is one of the best rock records of all time and if I give it more thought, may be number one.
I have to admit though, I LOVE Alice Cooper's "Poison". That outro solo by Al Pitrelli just makes me wanna turn the volume UP, UP, and UP!
NAD said:
Ayeka, if you could track down any Kik Tracee you'd probably enjoy it. :)
Sweet! Can you describe it any more than regular old rock'n'f'n'roll? :D

Who is this Darkness? I've heard the name but that's it. I never trust the mainstream to play proper underground...
The current trendy band in Blightey. They sprung out of nowhere this year and have rapidly become HUGE. They do old school Rock and their singer is one of the best you could ever hear, if not THE best. I kid ye not. Check 'em out, they're worth it.

Yep. The same one with Britney Spears with her tits oot for the lads on the front cover. They probably owe her some of their American fame & publicity, heh.
:eek: Why did I cancel my subscription?! :( can you scan a cover for us? ;)
Alright, I'll put them on the list.

Hmmm... Kik Tracee is like straight rock mixed with a little glam and a slight pinch of industrial (very slight). Worth a download, probably not a full on hunt for used CDs though. :)
Motley Crue - Too Fast For Love
If you haven't heard this particular album, forget everything you know or think you know about the Crue. Mick's guitar work is so fucking awesome here, another great rock record of all time.
Ayeka said:
!:eek: Why did I cancel my subscription?! :( can you scan a cover for us? ;)
et voila...

Hmmm....nice! Not too big on the face, but the rest is top notch :)

NAD said:
Hmmm... Kik Tracee is like straight rock mixed with a little glam and a slight pinch of industrial (very slight). Worth a download, probably not a full on hunt for used CDs though. :)
*has no downloading programmes as his regular computer is bust >_<*

I'll keep it in mind though :)

I believe no-one has mentioned AC/DC or Status Quo yet? Fools!
Her eyes are far apart, and she dances like a cow. If she asked me to put it in her I would, but nothing I would ever pursue. I prefer brunnettes though.

Give me the two birds on UPN 13 News anyday, oh my lord they are HOT!

Here's the one with the great big personalities:
Britney is annoying - she's an idiot, her laugh is ridiculous, she can't sing, and she's an idiot. :D

But, there is something so bimbo-ish about the whole image, especially with her dancing like a stripper, that makes her attractive in a dirty ho kind of way. You know that she's pent up because she's never really had it that good. I mean, what, Justin Timberlake? Puh-lease.
Erik said:
Not really, no
But I mean look at the fucking hair?!?!? I've never understood what the fucking deal is with Britney.
Well, in this case, I'd say it's the ass :)