just saw Jon Oliva.....


Apr 29, 2004
....And was pure genius !!! One of the best gigs I ever saw, if not THE best !!
Mixing both Oliva's Pain and ALL Savatage classics the band delivered power like no other, and hey, Jon's voice is just as strong as it used to be !! Sound was superb, we congratulated the soundman afterwards. Jon is one fat and funny bastard, in between songs he had some funny chatting, drank and smoked some, sweared upon his hired keyboard and sound pedal... JD told me he would gladly give a nut to see Jon Oliva again, and he's damn right...If you gotta chance to see Oliva's Pain live, grab it, you won't regret !!!!
And if there's someone out there that still wants to remove the Oliva bros from the top banner he'll have to do it over my fucking dead body !!!

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Some pics here...seems this also was a quit unique show as only 4 live shows were done in Europe....Hope they load good as they seem to be on a crappy slow server..nice pics though.






JonnyD said:
:grin: Man I told you you would enjoy that show!!!!! and Jon really is a Funny Bastard!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it old buddy!!! and like you said I would give my Left nut to see them again!

Did I enjoy it !!!!
Trip to heaven man, I'm still excited after 2 days...
If all goes well I'll have very special Savatage stuff to share in a few weeks, I'll let you guys know ;) (hint, it's got moving pictures :p )
carnut said:
Did I enjoy it !!!!
Trip to heaven man, I'm still excited after 2 days...
If all goes well I'll have very special Savatage stuff to share in a few weeks, I'll let you guys know ;) (hint, it's got moving pictures :p )

hehehe yeah man I know what ya mean its been since september and I still get excited about seeing the big man! He is funny and entertaining I knew you would have fun!:grin:
I will be seeing them this Saturday!!!!!!!!! Can't wait. Best part is it's about 5 minutes from my house. They are playing a bar/club. Actually it's probably only 5-10 from Jon's house. I know he lives right around there also. It's going to be great. One of the benefits of living close to where the Mountain King reigns himself. I've got to see both memorial concerts for Criss and have seen Savatage a number of times in small places around here. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: