Just saw Lamb of God Killswitch show.

Oct 8, 2007
K.C. (Kansas City)
Soil work opened, then came Devil Driver, Lamb of God, and Killswitch to headline. Killswitch and Lamb of God alternate as headliners. Wow, their were lots of Mesa Boogies on stage that night. I know that Soilwork used Mesa Stilleto's for both guitarists. Devil Driver used a Mesa MkIV rack head. Lamb of God's stuff was hidden but their was a wall of Mesa cabinets both for guitarists and bassist. The cabs were definately on because they got feedback on demand all night long by facing the stacks. Killswitch's guitarists both had Mesa 2x12 combos going into extra 4x12 cabs, and let me say that Adam is a fooking nut. I couldn't tell the model but they definately sounded great. Soilwork stole the show as far as raw power, but Lamb of God rocked so hard that they shut the power off for the whole grid, including street lights and finished the show with only a few stage lights on. Definately a great show!!!! Randy Blythe said at the end of their set, "this is definately the most memorable show on this tour so far!" He made the best of the power shortage by saying, "You know if we can't come out here without the lights and shit and still put on a good show for you then we don't deserve to be here in the first place!!!" Man let me tell you the pit went fooking nuts. Catch the show if ya can.:rock::kickass::notworthy
The cabs were definately on because they got feedback on demand all night long by facing the stacks.

No, they werent.

I took this:

I don't know why.....But Lamb of god shut the power off very often. During the Unholy alliance 1 year ago the power shut off 2 times, in their dvd the power shut off, now another time...I don't know
On Mark Mortons side that you have pictured there he is playing on the second from the left cabinet on the bottom, facing the croud. Looking at him it's the second from the right on bottom, closest to the center. He faced it to get get feedback at will. On Willie Alders side, facing the stage he played out of the second from the left on bottom. They definatetly had the best sound of the night and I should have been more specific about which cabinets they were playing out of on the monster wall O' cabinets, but I hold strong and stand behind Soilwork. Needless to say I was very suprised by their overall power and tone! Catch the show. To J the TyranT, I had Front row center at the fence in Kansas City, but I wish I had your seats. Looks like you were backstage? You have any good stories to tell ony any of em? Cheers and Beers!!!! P.S. please share more photographs.
Well, yeah, SOME of the stacks were obviously in play, but most werent.

I was drunk... standing mostly sidestage... I brought a cooler up there and handed out some beers and Jim Beam... lol.

In some of the post show chaos, doing shots in homage to Dime, I kinda got pushed on stage






All of us on side stage


During the 5 Minutes Alone tribute:




One of many of us drinking it up...


I have 66 pics from the Dallas show, and maybe 20 or 30 of the Houston show I havent uploaded yet, lol
On the Killadelphia DVD Mark Morton shows his rig and explains how he uses 2 Mark 4 Heads, "each runs in one cabinet and the rest of them are fake". It then shows a wall of 9 Cabs where 2 of them look mic'd (it's a dark shot of the cabs).

Willie shows his rig and says the bottom 3 cabs are loaded and the others are unloaded so to speak. Looks like he was only using 1 Mark 4 Head with the settings written above the knobs. Oh, and Framus Cabs in this video. You can clearly se Speakers through the Speaker Cloth on the bottom 3 and the top 6 have no speakers in them. After all, how are you going to drive 9 4X12's with 1 Head, 100W(MAX)/12=8.33 Watts per cab which equals less than a farts-breath being pushed by each cab. Vanity FTW :lol:. Slayer does the same thing with the Empty Cabs as I am sure many others do. :goggly:
Yeah the old wall of cabs thing is pretty old school.

Killswitch has a nice cage setup...it surrounds the drummer and holds the amps, and provides a catwalk for the guys to run around on, also... there's a ramp to get up on it. Mike and Howard spend a decent amount of time up on it.

Here's a relatively decent shot I took of it:

oh ya, no problem...

good to see them be of more use than just to remember drunken shit I've half forgotten