just wanna say...


next you'll be saying God Bless America.... and I doubt they're going to find Bin Laden now. He owned them...
requiem said:

next you'll be saying God Bless America.... and I doubt they're going to find Bin Laden now. He owned them...
damn i hate these hippies you've got to be pretty stupid to think that war can't be avoided. does anyone else have a problem with these people who find a way to blame the worlds problems on bush/america perhaps you have some point but after two years of hearing the same crap from every body and their grandma you've got to wonder whether its not just a trend. now even musicisians are beating it into our heads. i think bush is alot smarter than anyone could even guess whether you want to see through his act or not, there is definatly something else going on that maybe does warrent harsh criticism but of course we are all to busy re-stating the obvious to notice.

w00t indeed those guys(and girls now) are made of strong stuff. instead of having anti war protests we should have thanks for defending our country protests. saddam was owned.
Over Broen said:
. i think bush is alot smarter than anyone could even guess whether you want to see through his act or not,

Ok, not trying to stir shit, but got a few points to make.

How come all this shit happened after Bush took office. Nothing like this happened with Clinton, even though he was shagging Monica.

What is the real deal with the oil. You have to admit, that people are questioning his motives for the whole Iraq thing. The main one being, 'Would he have done the same if there was no oil?'

Bin Laden: I'm not supporting him in his killing ways, but no matter what, you have to admire his idea for flying a plane into the towers. (I know people will not appreciate that comment, but it was original.)

As for blaming problems on Bush and America, I hate to say it, but you do seem to have quite a bit of interaction in other countries affairs. I'm not saying you are trying to butt in, but you appear more often than what is expected. You intentions may be full of good intentions, but some countries are proud and when you show up, they can feel underminded. Back off a bit and try support them, not show them, how to fix things.

As for Saddam, it is good he is caught, the only question I would ask, is if he will get a fair trial. I'm not saying that he won't, but you have to admit, he was captured by a country that has a 'slight' grudge against him for quite some time.

Anyway, just got to wait for attacks against that now... we shall see.
I just think that people living in the countries there are used to war by centuries, not regular soldiers...there everybody is a fighter....women, children, old and young ones...everybody knows how to use weapons and most of all they dont have anything to lose, send 1000 armies against them and they will always bring big damages to the regular troops. You will never be able to win a guerrilla war using regular tactics. You can agree or not but the history teaches this
Eire said:
How come all this shit happened after Bush took office. Nothing like this happened with Clinton, even though he was shagging Monica.
In '93, the World Trade Center was attack via car bomb by Bin Laden's people. During the impeachment proceedings, ('98 I think) two US embassies in Africa were bombed with severe casualties. Granted those events aren't the same scale, but the only other event that is on that level is Pearl Harbor.

What is the real deal with the oil. You have to admit, that people are questioning his motives for the whole Iraq thing. The main one being, 'Would he have done the same if there was no oil?'
Fair question, but here's my problem. In '98, when I started driving, gas was around $0.93/gal. Before the Iraq War it was around $1.60. After the Iraq War, it's $1.40. If it is for oil, I'm not seeing the benefits.

Bin Laden: I'm not supporting him in his killing ways, but no matter what, you have to admire his idea for flying a plane into the towers. (I know people will not appreciate that comment, but it was original.)
Surprisingly enough, as I saw on a documentary once, the Twin Towers were actaully designed to withstand a plane crashing into them. Obviously not one that was purposely trying to hit and destroy then, but an accidental impact.

As for Saddam's trial, of course he'll be found guilty. Fairness is rather irrelevant. I just wonder what the actual charges will be.
Cadarn said:
Probably the real Saddam is taking a dive in the pool of G: Bush!

Oh yeah:D
How are to know the truth? Are we important enough to get the truth?
No, we aren't.
AND, even I can alter images and make a vid on my PC...
Has somebody seen Bowling For Columbine? There are good statements towards American history and policy.
What was this?....Oh yeah, America gave money and weapons to the Iraq and later thery kicked their asses?....Oh shit, not nice.
Everybody got what I mean?
First off, I'm not a fan of Bush, I seriously disagree with the preferential treatment he affords to corporate interests and the growing threat to privacy and civil rights under the Homeland Security Act. Foreign policy is a another matter

Eire said:
How come all this shit happened after Bush took office. Nothing like this happened with Clinton, even though he was shagging Monica.

Bush took office in January 2001, eight months later...September 11. Do you really think Clinton would have reacted that differently? He'd already ordered his own cruise missile attacks against Al-Quaeda on a much smaller scale. I thought Clinton, regardless of the Monica thing, was a good president and I would be seriously disappointed if he hadn't responded with similar force.

Eire said:
What is the real deal with the oil. You have to admit, that people are questioning his motives for the whole Iraq thing. The main one being, 'Would he have done the same if there was no oil?'

No he probably woudn't have. When is everybody going to get over this? Oil is the world's most precious resource, and what the fuck do you think people have fought over for thousands of years? Resources! Oil is the lifeblood of our civilized world, whether you like it or not, and the vast majorities of the world reserves are controlled by countries like Iraq: dictatorships, monarchies, religious regimes. Most of these countires are socially antiquated, with terrible human rights records. If it wasn't for their oil, they would probably look more like Afghanistan, Third World tribal groups, living in stone huts, ruled by corrupt local warlords.

Eire said:
As for blaming problems on Bush and America, I hate to say it, but you do seem to have quite a bit of interaction in other countries affairs.

That's because we give them huge amounts of money every year, moreso than any other country by far, and believe that gives us a bit of say in how they run their affairs. What are we supposed to do, adopt a policy of isolationism? If we retracted all the aid packages (i.e. money) we gave out each year, do you realize how many countires economies would tank?

Agreed, Clinton was much smoother with foreign policy, but that's why we have elections and term limits, Bush won't be president forever.

So fuck you, God bless America, we're the greatest country on earth, and everyone should be thankful for the Constitution and Bill of Rights, it laid a foundation that has been copied by a number of countries, probably some of yours
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"What sane person would let another person's words, rather than his actions, show to him who wants peace and who wants war" (Demosthenes)
-In that lies the problem of the US as I see it: they say one thing and do another.

"Ubi solitudinem faciunt paeceae appelant" (Tacitus, "When they have created a desert, they call it peace")
-Pretty much speaks for itself...as long as you are the one with the more power, you can do exactly what you want and call it exactly what you want until such a time that someone overpowers you. If there is resistance, you have the power to obliterate them (create a desert, physical or mental), and as long as you have the means to do that, who cares if others don't like it, what baring does that have on you? They are powerless anyhow. Then after you've flattened them, stomped on them, humiliated them, all in the name of their own wellfare, because that's how you would like their world to be, you can call it whatever you want, peace or something else.
Eventually, every empire will meet its demise and start crumbling, rotting away until all that is left are pictures in history books and the millions of lives wasted in the name of progess. Sic transit gloria mundi.
Far in the east another empire is about to awake from the slumber of communism ... leaving behind the leader of the free world who went on a personnal crusade in the name of theocracy and pax americana, soon we shall welcome the new age of technocracy.
Well people, I can see that you are very fascinated by this story!
As a matter of fact, i hear all of this bullshit everyday! Every opinion that i read here - I heard about a million times before.

About my view....well it doesnt important right now...but one thing I can say:
that bastard saddam launched missiles on my country so he deserves it!!!

Try to live 10 fuckin minutes in my damn/stinkin/fuckin counrty!!!!!
I dare you :headbang:
megamich said:
Well people, I can see that you are very fascinated by this story!
As a matter of fact, i hear all of this bullshit everyday! Every opinion that i read here - I heard about a million times before.

About my view....well it doesnt important right now...but one thing I can say:
that bastard saddam launched missiles on my country so he deserves it!!!

Try to live 10 fuckin minutes in my damn/stinkin/fuckin counrty!!!!!
I dare you :headbang:
agreed. on another note some people seem to have gotten the immpresion that i am american (eire) while i in actual fact am canadian. thats your piece of trivia for today.