murderedbysound MurderedbySound Apr 16, 2002 1,887 1 38 41 Chicago Visit site May 22, 2003 #1 This cd is one of the best ive rules and you need to get it a/s/a/p!!! its better then possibly both of there cds..its fast and crazy..:hotjump:
This cd is one of the best ive rules and you need to get it a/s/a/p!!! its better then possibly both of there cds..its fast and crazy..:hotjump:
_Aragorth_ storm chaser Jan 2, 2003 13,612 698 113 43 in the "supercell" cloud May 22, 2003 #2 yeah....this album is fucking awesome ! I've just got it few hours ago, nice job they 've done! I have almost same feelings as I 've had when I first time heard HCDR
yeah....this album is fucking awesome ! I've just got it few hours ago, nice job they 've done! I have almost same feelings as I 've had when I first time heard HCDR
Cebbe Feb 28, 2003 812 11 18 36 Umeå, Sweden May 22, 2003 #3 isn't the name of the album swamplord??
Cebbe Feb 28, 2003 812 11 18 36 Umeå, Sweden May 22, 2003 #4 ohh, wrong. there first album is swamplord and the new swampsong....
_Aragorth_ storm chaser Jan 2, 2003 13,612 698 113 43 in the "supercell" cloud May 22, 2003 #5 yep...the best of them I think
Cebbe Feb 28, 2003 812 11 18 36 Umeå, Sweden May 22, 2003 #6 i haven't heard the new but i think hades is the greatest song that kalmah have done
_Aragorth_ storm chaser Jan 2, 2003 13,612 698 113 43 in the "supercell" cloud May 22, 2003 #7 yeah...Hades is a great song...but I like They Will Return more... but the first song on the new album called Heroes To Us...holy shit, this songs kicks fucking ass ! probably my best Kalmah's song!!!
yeah...Hades is a great song...but I like They Will Return more... but the first song on the new album called Heroes To Us...holy shit, this songs kicks fucking ass ! probably my best Kalmah's song!!!
_Aragorth_ storm chaser Jan 2, 2003 13,612 698 113 43 in the "supercell" cloud May 22, 2003 #8 DL it, dood
murderedbysound MurderedbySound Apr 16, 2002 1,887 1 38 41 Chicago Visit site May 22, 2003 #9 Needled24Seven said: by the way where did you get it. i didnt know there was a us release date yet Click to expand... i got it off a prgram called DC++...theres a UM hub in can get a whole bunch of shit there...the address for it is in the manual address line..theres so much shit in that hub
Needled24Seven said: by the way where did you get it. i didnt know there was a us release date yet Click to expand... i got it off a prgram called DC++...theres a UM hub in can get a whole bunch of shit there...the address for it is in the manual address line..theres so much shit in that hub
S somefuckingwarrior Member Nov 25, 2002 271 0 16 41 Surrey, England Visit site May 26, 2003 #10 i heard the first 3 songs and was disspointed by...quite alot. sorry guys.