Kalmah Video news, kinda...


Apr 18, 2002
Wooster, Ohio
Well, it's not actually news since news is supposed to be up-to-date but...While i was surfing the Catamenia board today, I came across something very interesting. Kalmah evidentally recorded a video in a Bar in Finland last year. Not sure to what song or whatever bu here's what the guitarist of Catamenia said
"last night I was first time in my life sober in bar.
I was recording a live video of Timo`s other band Kalmah in Bar Loop, here in Oulu. Had to tell, that it was the superior test for me to be sober and watch people in hellish drunk."

here's the link if you wanna check it out... http://www.catamenia.net/forum/index.php?board=1;action=display;threadid=354

Hey Antti, is this true? if so, what song and when can I see it!? :rock:
We do have videos from several gigs we have made. I hope we manage to create a live video from some song in the future. Maybe the video will be bonus material for next album maybe not. But there is material we should use I do know that.
That would be the most amazing thing ever! Finally being able to see my favorite band perform! :rock: The only "better" thing would be them touring the states so I could see them live...I hope there is a bonus dvd type thing with the new cd, that would be killer!

Thanks for the response Antti, let us know if any new info for the album comes up...I can't wait to hear the new stuff, the suspense is certainly killing me...
I heard the 2 new song samples on the website, this new stuff sounds powerful and epic!(as always), I can't wait for the new stuff! KALMAH FUCKING ROCKS!!! They need to come to America , make some more fans, and get to be known better in the metalworld. The metalheads here will be hooked on the music, like a crackhead is hooked on crack!
Alteredmindeath said:
I heard the 2 new song samples on the website, this new stuff sounds powerful and epic!(as always), I can't wait for the new stuff! KALMAH FUCKING ROCKS!!! They need to come to America , make some more fans, and get to be known better in the metalworld. The metalheads here will be hooked on the music, like a crackhead is hooked on crack!