Kalmah...you guys know em?


Sep 18, 2003
southern CA
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i was wondering if any of you have heard of Kalmah, they are a melodic death metal band in the veins of children of bodom, but much more melodic and less known. IMO they slay, with song structures like bodom, with the a thrashy rythm and a melodic lead over it. they arent quite as musically talented as say, alexi laiho, but they still shred with the best of them. if you havent heard them, i highly recomend it, i have all three cds and i cant get enough of them. any of their cds can get you into the band, however my favorite is their new offering, Swampsong... if oyu havent allready checked them out, do it, it wont disapoint
Fuck ya I know them! "Swampsong" is one of the best albums of '03. I think they seperated themselves from the COB comparisons after this last album. It sound nothing like Bodom to me anymore. Personally I prefer Kalmah to COB anyways. I love how Kalmah just let the music play...sometimes 2 minutes without any vocals. They are an amazing band.

If you wanna check them out download the song "The Third, The Magical". One of the best songs. Beware though if you don't like black metal vocals. Unlike the Swedes, the Fins seem to do their MDM with black metal screams.
You hit the nail on the head TL. Laiho's music is awesome, but if I have one complaint it's that upbeat sorta sound that sneaks into a lot of COB's songs. I know he worships Dave Mustaine, but Megadeth never did that kinda sound...did they? I think it's sorta just his signatureor something.
You know what...that's Kalmah's guitarists...brothers Antti and Pekka Kokko. My bad. Shit. Got it backwards. In fact Kalmah did a cover of Megadeth's "Skin Of My Teeth" on their 2002 album, "They Will Return". Nothing ground breaking but an interesting take on the song.
ya i agree with you on that one TL, but i still love them both, however also steiner, at first i thought of them as a bodom alike, but after i got all their albums and listened more intently, i came to see they are a completely different band, in some aspects i like them more than CoB, i just love the melodies, one of my favorite songs right now is Hades from swamplord....Welcome to hades, just the way they say that with the finnish accent, prounouncing hades like shades minus the s
Steiner said:
You know what...that's Kalmah's guitarists...brothers Antti and Pekka Kokko. My bad. Shit. Got it backwards. In fact Kalmah did a cover of Megadeth's "Skin Of My Teeth" on their 2002 album, "They Will Return". Nothing ground breaking but an interesting take on the song.
Oh... okay, that makes sense ;). I always trip on Finnish names :lol:.
Steiner said:
You know what...that's Kalmah's guitarists...brothers Antti and Pekka Kokko. My bad. Shit. Got it backwards. In fact Kalmah did a cover of Megadeth's "Skin Of My Teeth" on their 2002 album, "They Will Return". Nothing ground breaking but an interesting take on the song.

ya that album is really killer, and the cover is pretty good and accurate, right down to the solo, and the intro drum roll....classic megadeth, but i think his vocals on that song dont do it justice, it doesnt fit in with the music like it fits in with their own
hmm i was thinking, these guys have never done a US tour, or if im correct have never really even had a big tour, because they arent a well known band, TL, do chuck and eric and the boys like Kalmah, and if so, it would be a great thing to get these guys over in the states for some exposure, however this could just be wishful thinking
ya i agree with you on that one TL, but i still love them both, however also steiner, at first i thought of them as a bodom alike, but after i got all their albums and listened more intently, i came to see they are a completely different band, in some aspects i like them more than CoB, i just love the melodies, one of my favorite songs right now is Hades from swamplord....Welcome to hades, just the way they say that with the finnish accent, prounouncing hades like shades minus the s
That's a killer song. I very much agree with what you said. Kalmah definately have their own signature sound. Early on it was tough for me to differentiate between them and other Finish MDM bands like Norther, COB, and Throne Of Chaos, and even the Swedish band Skyfire to some degree. Once I really started listening to "Swamplord" over and over again I knew that they were unique though.

BTW...if you like Kalmah you should check out Eternal Tears Of Sorrow. It's sorta like a side project for the band with more keyboards. And speaking of keyboards, the COB keyboarder has a side project called Warmen. Their first album, "Unknow Soldier", is definately worth checking out.
Steiner said:
That's a killer song. I very much agree with what you said. Kalmah definately have their own signature sound. Early on it was tough for me to differentiate between them and other Finish MDM bands like Norther, COB, and Throne Of Chaos, and even the Swedish band Skyfire to some degree. Once I really started listening to "Swamplord" over and over again I knew that they were unique though.

BTW...if you like Kalmah you should check out Eternal Tears Of Sorrow. It's sorta like a side project for the band with more keyboards. And speaking of keyboards, the COB keyboarder has a side project called Warmen. Their first album, "Unknow Soldier", is definately worth checking out.

ya ive heard warmen, and they are pretty sick, i do agree, ill have to check out EToS though, where can i get a hold of that, cause it was hard enough getting my kalmah cds
hmm i was thinking, these guys have never done a US tour, or if im correct have never really even had a big tour, because they arent a well known band, TL, do chuck and eric and the boys like Kalmah, and if so, it would be a great thing to get these guys over in the states for some exposure, however this could just be wishful thinking
Eric likes them - that's how I got into them. Hmmm, I wouldn't hold my breath on that, though it would be a cool thing!
Steiner said:

I bought mine used on eBay about a year ago, but it looks like amazon.com is selling a some EToS stuff now.

thanks man, ill check that out as soon as i have some money to spare, and TL dont worry i wont be holding my breath very long, i just think that these guys need to get their asses to the states, that and i still await the day where i wont get fucked over and make a Testament concert, 2 tiems now ive been completely screwed...i still have spite for halford...
Kalmah with more keyboards is probably the best way I could describe them. There is only one guy from Kalmah not in EToS so you can see what I mean. They are still MDM, but maybe a little slower at times. If you like Kalmah you'll probably dig EToS.