Kamelot - Ghost Opera


Jun 17, 2004
Kamelot - Ghost Opera
SPV - 95902 - June 5, 2007
By George Grant


The guilty pleasure. In music this secret obsession usually forms when listening to music of embarrassing proportions. Rhapsody of Fire has always been my guilty pleasure. There’s something about their epic music that captures me, albeit concealed within the comforts of my headphones. You could imagine my surprise then when I read that Kamelot’s newest release, Ghost Opera, was produced by long-time Rhapsody of Fire producers Sascha Paeth and Miro.

There certainly are some common characteristics that both bands share. Most notably in the bombastic orchestral touches both bands use. This was apparent with the first real track on the album ‘Rule the World.’ Fans of Kamelot’s last release The Black Halo, will find that not much has changed with regards to the band’s style. Kamelot mostly stays within the mid tempo range which ultimately allows for the orchestral moments to breathe. However, unlike Rhapsody of Fire, Kamelot are more reserved in their use of the orchestra. The music on Ghost Opera is more comparable to Luca Turilli’s latest release The Infinite Wonders of Creation.

Kamelot continues this pace for the next four tracks, all of them containing the soothing vocal approach of Khan as well as an infectious energy you can’t help but get enthralled in. It’s his vocals that create the soaring choruses I’ve come to love and will no doubt transfer well in a live setting. However, as I find with most releases in this style, Kamelot loses the momentum. This occurs on the track ‘Love You to Death,’ and sadly, Kamelot never seems to fully recover from this misstep. Even the crowd pleasing ‘Up Through the Ashes’ couldn’t save the damage that was already done. Ghost Opera just seems to drag on until the end never offering anything new and exciting as the earlier tracks.

Be that as it may, power metal fans will rejoice in this release by Kamelot. This solid and professional album will no doubt have you counting the days until the American band plays in your local town. Even people not usually fans of this style, or may not want to admit they enjoy the style, should be able to find some enjoyment in this release. Just remember to lock the door before listening.

Official Kamelot Website
Official SPV Website
Horrible review. Comparing the latest Kamelot to Rhapsody of Fire? Or worse, Luca Turilli's incredible solo album.... this is just all wrong... Ghost Opera was half-assed and leagues below the creativity that was The Black Halo, and an even farther departure from the brilliance of the latest Rhapsody of Fire and Luca Turilli releases.... :zipit:

Though I must admit, I did buy this one. Was pretty dissapointed. The title track was the best number on here. You can read my detailed review at this location.
Horrible review. Comparing the latest Kamelot to Rhapsody of Fire? Or worse, Luca Turilli's incredible solo album.... this is just all wrong... Ghost Opera was half-assed and leagues below the creativity that was The Black Halo, and an even farther departure from the brilliance of the latest Rhapsody of Fire and Luca Turilli releases.... :zipit:

Though I must admit, I did buy this one. Was pretty dissapointed. The title track was the best number on here. You can read my detailed review at this location.

I agree..... Im a huge kamelot fan and will probably attend the show on sunday in nYC but this new album is a borefest.
The whole "guilty pleasure" concept is nonsense, because most would consider the entire metal genre a "guilty pleasure". I don't feel guilty at all listening to it, from Priest to Manowar to Red Chord to Bolt Thrower to Kamelot. Rhapsody of Fire I would feel just plain guilty listening to, but I don't.

This is not Kamelot's best but it is 100% professional music delivered by guys who know what they are doing. The performances are outstanding...it just needed a bit more fire and spice.
Right now I've got Ghost Opera on and this music is beautiful man. I definitely feel like all of metal cannot be considered a "guilty pleasure" because metal is too generalized now. There was a time when to be "metal" meant something... but, ask someone you don't know if they like metal... if they do, ask them what type of bands they like that are metal... 9/10 time people don't realize that the "metal" of yesteryear has its own sub-genre just as the "metal" of today has sub-sub genres... My point here is this, Kamelot can be considered a guilty pleasure because this shit is not mainstream metal... this is like, nerd metal.. come on folks, be honest with yourselves... you're writing about Ghost Opera on a metal blog... it's neeeerdy. But, does that make it boring.. no, it makes it special. You have to respect Kamelot because they're doing it. They're rocking, they're making great tunes, and they're allowing us to listen to their stuff... as a fan, I say thank you... and in response to some of the replies to this post... I say, open up your ears.. this music is great.:Smokin:
It may be great, but it's not as good as The Black Halo, and Kamelot is definitely one of the more mainstream outfits... :p
I don't want to sound stupid... but, if Kamelot is mainstream... who isn't... I realize they have ads in Guitar Player and stuff... but, what are some underground bands of this genre if not Kamelot? I'm asking not to argue... but, to get an edge up on the future. :cool: