Kamelot - Poetry for the Poisoned


Keep on blorpin'
Feb 16, 2010
Minnesota, USA
Who's heard it? What do you think? It seems to me like it's a grower similar to Ghost Opera, but damn, I'm really disappointed in Khan. There's no vocal dynamics on the album at all, he really holds a lot of it back. Jon Oliva or Simone Simons should've sang the whole thing...

Favorite songs: The Great Pandemonium, If Tomorrow Came, Poetry for the Poisoned (but fucking PISSED that they didn't structure it better. Could've been the best song ever.)

Still listening to it, but right now I'd give it a 7/10 at best
Yeah I've heard it. Wasn't really awed but after listening to it 5 times it has grown on me. Roy Khan isn't absolutely amazing here, but he is still Khan. Overall I think got a faster, "better" feel than Ghost Opera did.
It's a shame to hear that Khan is holding back again. Ghost opera could have been epic (win) if Khan didn't hold so much back and they let the keyboards be more prominent in the songwriting. I don't know if I'll even bother getting this, and I haven't heard a single song off it.
I'm sick of great bands cheaping out on their fans.
Funny enough, the song they chose for a single, The Great Pandemonium, is probably my least favorite song on the album...
My final verdict: Every song has an awesome part or two, but most of them also have crippling flaws, usually in the vocals or song construction. My opinion of the album has actually gone down since the first listen. 5/10.

And now Khan is too sick to go on the north american tour, so they're going with the guy from Circus Maximus...
My final verdict: My favorite of all the Kamelot albums. Not as much cheese as the older stuff and without the "hollowness" of the ghost opera stuff.
I'm pretty sure the Black Halo was a fluke, because every other album by Kamelot is shit. Ghost Opera had a couple good songs, the rest sucked. This album sucks. The Black Halo was absolutely flawless though.
It sounds like the other Kamelot albums to me. The Zodiac is interesting, I love how Jon Oliva puts so much emotion on his vocals. He may not be a great singer like Roy Khan but his voice has so much more soul and character that it makes any song more powerful.