Kamelot premiere "Sacrimony" video


Air Drummer
Nov 21, 2010
North-West England
Figured this should definitely be posted here!

The track is definitely growing on me - and in my opinion you can barely notice the change in vocalist! It's a little scary how Roy-esque he seems here...

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Good tune. Catchy chorus, use of impressive vocabulary which is par for the course for Kamelot (pantomime, nice!), great musicianship all around. Dig the whole song, I love the additional vocalists and Tommy is wonderful. Good stuff.

Oh, and like I posted on Facebook: Elize Ryd is a fox.
Here's as good a place as any to admit I don't understand the sort of hype Kamelot enjoys. The last album of theirs I enjoyed was The Fourth Legacy though there's moments on Karma, Epica and Black Halo which are great but many seem to treat what I see as a majority of pretty average songs (like this one above) as heaven-sent. Specifically there's almost a cult surrounding Black Halo. Much as I listen to it over and over, I can't get on board with it. I gave up fairly quickly with Poetry for the Poisoned - god-awful IMHO.

My theory is that they're one of the few American metal bands that don't suck atm and for strange pride reasons, they're represented hugely by Americans online.

That or I'm just the odd one out :loco:
^in regards to your last statement, probably both :rofl:

They obviously aren't the best band but I love them sonically as a whole and Roy Khan (or Tommy) are amazing vocalists.

and this isnt my opinion simply because I live in Florida, lol
Yeah, I can definitely understand why you think they're overhyped. I think they have overhyped this album - perhaps they just need to make up for PftP, which I agree with you was quite a letdown. The Black Halo is good - not the best thing I've ever heard - but I thought Ghost Opera was pretty fantastic.

But I think this track is pretty catchy, and I'll probably end up checking up the album at some point soon...
I both agree and disagree with Dom!

I think Kamelot deserves all the hype they get. They're phenomenal musicians who have a unique image and theme going for themselves and they're also brilliant songwriters in their own right (Oliver Palotai alone is a genius, imo). I think since The Fourth Legacy, each album has gotten better and better, and I honestly believe Poetry for the Poisoned is their best album - it's just such a shame that they hardly got to tour for that album with Khan. Hell, they couldn't even make the Necropolis video with a vocalist, what a shame.

On the other hand, I totally don't understand the cult following behind The Black Halo. It's a good album, there are some wonderful songs on there, but I've heard far better concept albums from numerous other bands so it leaves me scratching my head. I think the songs on Ghost Opera blow TBH's songs away, personally...

Though I can see why they're not for everyone. I think there is a little bit of American pride that's a factor because there aren't very many American power metal bands who blow up as hugely as they have (Iced Earth and Symphony X are the only other two huge contenders, and they're not full-blown power metal like Kamelot). But I do think they've totally earned where they're at after twenty years of hard work and dedication!

Can't wait for my copy of Silverthorn to arrive. I'm a little nervous because they have yet to break their streak of each album being better than the last, so I really hope this isn't the tipping point where they let me down!
I agree with Dom. I've tried and tried but they just don't do anything for me. As I've said before, I just hope that Tommy joining doesn't have a negative impact on the future of Seventh Wonder.
I actually really like Sacrimony... Listened to the album a few times and there are a couple of good tracks on there. The album as a whole still needs to grow on me, but I think it craps all over Poetry for the Poisoned. That's me personally though.

As for The Black Halo - Good album, but I absolutely love Ghost Opera.

And also - Eliza... she gives me goosebumps every time. She is a beautiful vocalist.