Karijes (Serbia)


New Metal Member
Jan 27, 2011
Band was formed in 2008 with intention to play covers from our favorites Thrash and Black Metal bands and after the rehearsing of those songs to make our own.During these few years the band has changed a few members, and people who were once in the band are Gongula and Andrea(Vocals),Vule(Guitar),Kazan,Marko,Steva(Bass) and Bajci(Drums). The band is currently a one-man project but soon will be complete for live performances.First demo tape named Deathstrike was recorded in November 2010.Plan for 2011 is to record a EP and maybe debut Album.

You can hear our Demo Deathstrike on our MySpace and Reverbnation page

And you can download it from
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/#!download|18cg2|444449194|Karijes_-_Deathstrike__Demo__2011.rar|32155
Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WC908AM7
MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/?m4775idczmdf6vh

Guest vocal in Total Desaster is Dušman from Toxic Trace(Serbia)