KARMAMENT - Modern Progressive/Death/Thrash from Finland

catch the axe

New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2015
We're Karmament and we play a modern mix of progressive, death, thrash and other influences. The vocals borrow mostly from death metal, and the riffs are more progressive. Our songwriting is very thrashy.

Right now we're taking part in a local band competition in Finland. We'd be really thankful if you spent a few seconds to give us a vote here (you have to scroll down a bit): http://www.musicagainstdrugs.info/iltatapahtumat-ja-kilpailut/bandikilpailut/aanesta-bandikilpailussa/bandiaanestys-joensuu

Click on Karmament. You can vote every day until November 20!

Here's a cut from our demo EP, released this summer:
