Katagory V and the Running Wild Tribute album...


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Hey everyone!

It appears that the Running Wild tribute album is starting to kick in again after months of nothing happening and Sanctuary/Noise records dragging their feet. And it get's better...

They are holding a poll on which bands should be on the Tribute album, Katagory V is one of these bands. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean the BEST bands will make it, but the bands that have the most fans/freinds... :rolleyes: Can you tell by my tone that I like these kind of things? :Smug:

Anyhoo... If you would like to vote for us, that would be awsome, if not, we'll use our version of the song for a bonus track down the road (if Rolf and his label permit of course).... maybe. You can vote by clicking here or using this URL: http://www.running-wild.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=145&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0

oh yeah... if the link doesn't work, that's because you have to register on the forum the poll's being held to on first. Just make up a silly name and password... unless you're a Running Wild fan like myself and plan on posting on the forum outside of voting. :Spin:
