Katagory V bassist diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome


Feb 11, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT USA
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well, here's a little kick to the head that was posted on the website... :erk:
No, it's not life threatening by any means... But for someone like Dustin, where music is his life, it is still pretty scary stuff, so check it out and you'll see what I mean.


Katagory V bassist Dustin Mitchell has reported that he has recently been diagnosed with severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in his right hand, and will be undergoing surgical treatment for the disorder. He has mentioned that it is something that he has suffered from for several years, but during the recent pre-production studio sessions for the upcoming fourth album, it had finally taken its toll. However, he says it will not interfere with the current schedule with recording the new album. Dustin takes a moment to describe the situation.

"…A musicians worst nightmare! For years I have suffered and dealt with terrible discomfort, tingling and numbness in my hands, but more so in my right hand more than anything. It would come and go, and was very intermittent, mostly appearing at night while I was asleep, which in turn would wake me up several times in the night. I wasn't sure if it was Carpal Tunnel or not, but I remember reading an article in a magazine many years ago with Geoff Thorpe from Vicious Rumors, who talked about going under the knife for the same thing, and the symptoms he described in the article seemed very similar to my own, so I assumed that might be what I had as well. But, I never really put to much thought into it or saw a doctor, I foolishly anticipated that it might just go away, or never really get that bad.

"Fast forward to three weeks ago: while working in the studio, it struck me pretty hard. Keep in mind, it has happened before while performing or rehearsing, but only for seconds at a time and on very rare occasion, enough to where I could cover it up. But this time, it was real intense and to the extent to where I lost all feeling in my fingers totally, I couldn’t even find my strings to hit a note for an entire song! The worse part was that this lasted for three straight days after the fact… yes; it was time to go see the butcher.

“I can tell you that the tests they had to run where fascinating, but painful as hell. There is nothing more exciting than having an electrode needle shoved into the heel of you palm and twisted around for well over minute. OUCH!!! The bad news, I have Carpal Tunnel, the good news, they can cure it. Technology has come a long way, five or more years ago, it would have taken 3 or four months to heal completely, but with the new, less evasive procedure, it only takes three weeks!

“For now I have been given a cortisone shot, which will get me through the next few months of the demo stage and the recording of the new album. Once the album is complete and goes to mix down, I’ll go get cut and hopefully be back in the game without missing a beat. Pun intended.”
In the meantime, Rick Allen will be handling bass duties. Just kidding, Dustin. Hopefully you recover 100% and plenty of painkillers left over. :)

So sorry to hear the news! That really sucks! I remember having a serious bout of tendonitis back in '92 when I was playing ALL the time, was a repair technician doing lots of repititive motions, and taking my first programming class and was doing LOTS of typing. I was so scared that it was carpal tunnel - thank God it wasn't. I eventually recovered and things have been mostly fine. I just know the news must've really sucked to receive. I'm glad that technology has come a long way and the surgery won't be so bad for you.

I wish you the best of luck in making a quick and full recovery my brother! Take care of yourself and follow the docs orders!

Hey, thanks everyone for the kind words of support - that means a lot to me!!!
:worship: :headbang:

The shot seems to be working out pretty good for now, and I think things will go over well with the surgery when I go in next year to have it done. I am predicting that no one in the band will even notice my abscene; I'm that confidant that I'll heal that quickly.

And for all those smart asses out there that keep saying it's caused by excessive masturbation... of course it is you idiots, I'm married!!! :lol: :saint:


on top of everything else... I have enough dental work coming up to basicly buy a new grill that would make Flava Flav envious. o_O

I hate getting old....
I hear ya on the getting old, my brotha'. My number starts with a 3 now too.

All the best for a speedy and hopefully painless recovery, Dustin. You're in my thoughts even if I don't get to see ya much. :)
Thanks Capt. Luna!

atually, as of now, I've had very little problems now with the hand... I should make it a few more months before I have to actually have the surgery. (crossing fingers)

on the down side, I just got back form the dentist... I got two temporary crowns put in today, and I go back in two weeks for the real deal. I can tell you that the pain I went through today with getting my back teeth ground down to stubs almost rivals the poking and proding I had done to my hand!!! :ill:

and to think, I still have the other side of my mouth to do... o_O
Thanks Capt. Luna!

atually, as of now, I've had very little problems now with the hand... I should make it a few more months before I have to actually have the surgery. (crossing fingers)

on the down side, I just got back form the dentist... I got two temporary crowns put in today, and I go back in two weeks for the real deal. I can tell you that the pain I went through today with getting my back teeth ground down to stubs almost rivals the poking and proding I had done to my hand!!! :ill:

and to think, I still have the other side of my mouth to do... o_O
I've been to the dentist a lot recently too (read: over the last year and a half). Three wisdom teeth yanked and several root canals and crowns. One of the wisdom teeth had an infection, so anaesthetic didn't work, and took almost two and a half literally agonizing hours to get out. That wasn't a fun day! :ill:
Singing to the tune of Oingo Boingo.

"nothing bad ever happens to me! nothing bad ever happens to me!" Har!

Just kidding. I'm pretty sure I just called down some hardcore Karma by my mocking everyones pain. If I wake up tomorrow with my penis lying on the floor next to my bed, It will be my own fault!
I've been to the dentist a lot recently too (read: over the last year and a half). Three wisdom teeth yanked and several root canals and crowns. One of the wisdom teeth had an infection, so anaesthetic didn't work, and took almost two and a half literally agonizing hours to get out. That wasn't a fun day! :ill:

...and you might wonder why some people are anti-dentites. :lol:

I am in a bit of a stitch - you see I can either have two root cancels (due to the decay being so close to the pulp) and a build up, and then get two crowns next year, or chance having the dentist do build-up hoping the he doesn't hit the pulp and wait it out. :Smug:

Unerving.... not to mention I still have to get this damn surgery done on the hand too.

Tarkus said:
Singing to the tune of Oingo Boingo.

"nothing bad ever happens to me! nothing bad ever happens to me!" Har!

Just kidding. I'm pretty sure I just called down some hardcore Karma by my mocking everyones pain. If I wake up tomorrow with my penis lying on the floor next to my bed, It will be my own fault!

LOL! that would be horrific, and slightly comidic too. :loco:

yeah... (cracking whip) and no more posting until those rhythm tracks are done!