KATANA release "Eyes In The Dark"


vanquish the pain
Oct 5, 2001
ensamhetens vildmark
press release:

After the great response with the demo Eyes in the Dark and great reviews made by two of the biggest metal magazines from South America: Rock Brigade, and Roadie Crew (which gave the title of "Demo of the Month"), Katana will make a concert to release the demo, in the city of Taquara on October 8th at Rock Metal Force Festival, playing with other great brazilian bands like: A Sorrowful Dream, Hermit Age, Megalon and Metal Aggressor.

The success of this demo didn't stop in Brazil, reaching countries as Peru and Japan. Visit the band's website at www.katanametalband.com.br and get your own Eyes in the Dark.

- Katana - www.katanametalband.com.br
- Katana @ Orkut - http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=662470
- Rock Metal Force - http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a111/emanuelseagal/rmf.jpg
- Rock Metal Force @ Orkut - http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=4717683