KATATONIA live photos from Polish gig


gg allin
Apr 18, 2003
Lublin, Poland
Here are some photos I've taken at the gig in Cracow on 10.04.2003. View nicely, don't steal, and if you are interested in prints, contact me :)

Let me know what you think of them!!


























cool, thanx for posting them :worship:
hmm, are you in love with Anders, or the place was just suitable mostly for him? :)

you must have had nice camera, anyway ;) my turned to be completely shity... damn, I don't know if I have one good pic at last, :cry: :( we'll see
yv said:
cool, thanx for posting them :worship:
hmm, are you in love with Anders, or the place was just suitable mostly for him? :)

you must have had nice camera, anyway ;) my turned to be completely shity... damn, I don't know if I have one good pic at last, :cry: :( we'll see

Haha.. Actually I was wondering if someone will notice and ask me that. No, I am in love with Jonas exclusively and no cheating is involved ;) Actually I took at least 200 photos and most of these which turned out alright were the ones of Anders. I kept crawling all around the stage, but well... They aren't that bad anyway. i Have plenty more but didn't have time to dig in them yet.

The gig was perfect of course. Were you there? :)
so, you're here at the moment hehe :) fajnie ;)

Pics are very well, as I mentioned... clawling justified :) I visited Wroclaw gig actually, and regret not to go to Cracow additionally...

and I see interesting familiarity in our points of view: I also took mostly Jonas pics, but I suppose they suck (that rubbish camera of mine) :cry: and hehe I like him even when he seems to put on some 'spare' weight recently...
yv said:
so, you're here at the moment hehe :) fajnie ;)

Pics are very well, as I mentioned... clawling justified :) I visited Wroclaw gig actually, and regret not to go to Cracow aditionally...

and I see interesting familiarity in our points of view: I took mostly Jonas pics, but I supposed they will suck (that rubbish camera of mine) :cry: and hehe I like him even when he seems to put on some 'spare' weight recently...

Fajnie indeed ;)

I've tried to shoot pics of Jonas too, but he was just fucking hanging on the microphone stand and weeping the lyrics hehehe, I've managed to get close enough just a couple of times, and since it was all filmed I heard "GET OFF THE STAGE MAN!!!!!" each time I crawled on it trying to get as close as possible... I've gave up on press row after a few songs and jumped to the pit anyway, to scream my lungs out as the songs kept passing by.

Post your pics when you have them!! :D

And here's the bonus pic of me and my bride: ;)

Dispossession said:
I've managed to get close enough just a couple of times ... I've gave up on press row after a few songs and jumped to the pit anyway, to scream my lungs out as the songs kept passing by.
lucky you, what you do in your life? conected to the press???

Dispossession said:
Post your pics when you have them!! :D
hope they're good enough to see anything!

Dispossession said:
And here's the bonus pic of me and my bride: ;)

Yeah he looks like your lovely bride. BTW, is she pregnant ?? lucky you again, congrats !!!! :D
hmmm, so you have interesting and intensive job. I've always wondered what 'is being done' during these all interviews when the words lost their sense and hihihihihihihi ummmummmummmumm starts... :oops: :)

and what's your name? Your face looks strangely familiar to me... ;) If you're too ashamed to disclose to the public I'm awaiting private message... hehehehehe;)

and yeah 'connected' instead of 'conected'. Gained E mark buuuuuuuu.... Shame illiterate one!
yv said:
hmmm, so you have interesting and intensive job. I've always wondered what you 'is being done' during these all interviews when the words lost their sense and hihihihihihihi ummmummmummmumm starts... :oops: :)

and what's your name? Your face looks strangely familiar to me... ;) If you're too ashamed to disclose to the public I'm awaiting private message... hehehehehe;)

and yeah 'connected' instead of 'conected'. Gained E mark buuuuuuuu....

Well you know... when you're lost for words and look the interviewee in the eyes.. it's obvious - you just start kissing. that works only with ROb Halford though :lol:

My face?.. z twarzy podobny zupelnie do nikogo... Um, take a closer look at the copyright text at the pics, if that tells you nothing then... you're safe.. puffffff...
I don't feel especially jealous about kissing with ROB, but maybe you suits well ??? hmmm Rob said somewhere he was gey... uuuppppppsssss... :oops:

no tak, nie dość że analfabeta, to jeszcze ślepy...
nazwisko mówi mi nothing, but I have had deja-vu seeing your face.
uh, we all know web is great place for different freaks fulfilling their dark duties, so I don't feel safe anyway... :);)
yv said:
I don't feel especially jealous about kissing with ROB, but maybe you suits well ??? hmmm Rob said somewhere he was gey... uuuppppppsssss... :oops:

no tak, nie dość że analfabeta, to jeszcze ślepy...
nazwisko mówi mi nothing, but I have had deja-vu seeing your face.
uh, we all know web is great place for different freaks fulfilling their dark duties, so I don't feel safe anyway... :);)

Safe, safe, oh goodie! It's good to be anonymous :) But I have no idea where you could see me. Though your avatar looks familliar (well no, face, not the picture). Oh well :) If we wanna drag such topics let's better skip to some kind of messenger (ICQ, GG anyone? ;))
Good pics. Is there any additional interview to Anders? Hehe.
In one of them I notice the venue was really little. What I mean is: Is it better for one to see them on little stages? I´m seing them live in a couple of weeks and the venue´s up to 400 people although I don´t go more than 100 will show up eventually.

Cheerz :D
you know, I saw them playing on bigger fest (1000 ppl approx.). The stage was quite far from the band and it felt like undefinite lack of connection, no that specific pulse between fans and the band like it's usual on those small pieces...
Katatonia is better in closer 'configuration', show is so personal then...
I can only recall that small anathema gig in Poland-you could feel electricity growing between your fingers and the strings... fuckin' awesome experience... oh I'm falling into reverie...