Katatonia: the great cold distance

i have not the slightest idea about the production on it but not only is it a fantastic album musically, but production wise it is fantastic as well. i'm psyched to see them in November with Daylight Dies.

btw, you could always shoot a PM to Blakkheim and ask Anders himself :).
The drums on every Fascination Street album sound godly, it seems.

Ghost Reveries, The Great Cold Distance, and Dismantling Devotion all sound absolutely godly, but DD was tracked in the states and mixed over there. Maybe egan. will chime in if he knows what they did to make them sound so good?
as i said, send a PM to Anders and ask him if he knows anything about how the drums were receorded. I don't know if he was there for drum tracking, but he might know some information.
I'm thinking that it's definitely something in the mixing process that's going on, given that those three albums have a drum sound with the Fascination Street stamp on it, and one of them wasn't even tracked over there, you know?
I love that record....it's one of my all time favorite productions. Whatever he did with/to the OH's is pretty fantastic. I'll try to pry some details of Jens since I've been meaning to do that anyway.
FWIW I believe they used dual recs for all the guitar stuff on TGCD and I know Jens mixes on a 4040e.

They're endorsing Matamps these days so that may (or may not) be the case.

I adore this album. Great band....live album/dvd out soon too.
this album is great... everything on this album sounds awesome. Now those drums are just perfect!!! i dig that snare alot...

any info you guys find about it post here.
This isn't directly related to that record but Jens told me:
"I usually track guitars with Sm57 and Royer 121, a nice combo. And usually a MD409 as well. However, i always sum them directly, i don't like mess with that in the mix."