Katatonia this Friday

Ah that sucks =/

Well see you guys at the show (only a couple more hours :p) I'll be in a Tonight's Decision shirt (fuck the "don't wear a band shirt of the band headlining" rule :D)
Man, how was this fucking show? My night was spent listening to Om and The Arcade Fire at an "Open Music Listening Party" which was basically a musical pot-luck.
Man, how was this fucking show? My night was spent listening to Om and The Arcade Fire at an "Open Music Listening Party" which was basically a musical pot-luck.

Mine was even duller...It took me an hour and 40 minutes to get home on a usual 20 minute train ride and then I feel asleep on the couch about midnight. cant get anymore exciting than that. damn cool weather....it always puts me to sleep.
OK, before I get dragged to go watch the Bears' game, I'll post my review.

There were five bands in total. I didn't realise that until I physically got to the venue. There was a local opener whose name escapes me. They had no vocalist. This would not lead me to write them off initially, but the music was forgettable. I've seen bands before that were minus a vocalist and they at least managed to pull it off. This one did not, in my eyes. They weren't terrible, just not attention grabbing.

Next was Swallow The Sun. I had never seen them live before and was really impressed by them. If you're not a doom fan then you may have not dug these guys, but shame on you anyway. Up next was Insomnium. I have been waiting a very long time for these cats to come to the States. The crowd response was amazing and their live set was better than I even imagined. I hope that they get over here again in the near future. ;-)

I was damn excited to see Scar Symmetry because they were cheated on their first go around when I saw them on the Dark Tranquillity tour earlier this year. Poor Christian's voice was shot and they only hammered out four songs. Not only was Christian in top form this time around but they played a set twice as long. Most of the songs came from "Pitch Black Progress" but they did have a mix of both albums. They succeeded at kicking my ass. Last of course was Katatonia. Again, another band that I had never seen live. True professionals and I was astounded at how close they sounded to disc. Unfortunately, I left the show 15 minutes early, which I NEVER do. I hadn't eaten enough that day and needed food. If I didn't leave when I did, I would have passed out. I did manage to grab a fair amount of merch before my departure though...including the latest Insomnium which has been out of damn stock at The End Records for what has seemed like forever.

Turnout was "decent". I didn't expect a sellout of course, but there were more people that I had anticipated. I ran into a fair amount of folks that I knew and that's always a nice thing. Sorry AOM, I didn't see you. :erk:

I was shocked at the amount of "mosh pits" at this show. I have an uncanny talent of always standing at the exact spot where they erupt. I don't engage, but am usually on the outside circle pushin' folks back in. Apparently I got more than I bargained for, because the next morning my frame was filled with enough bruises and bumps to last me a week. *shakes head* I've been to far more violent shows and left virtually unscathed. I guess it was my time to get my ass kicked. ;-)

Shame on those that didn't make it (expect for truly valid reasons), because it truly was a worthwhile show to attend.

Up next...FIREWIND! We've got some locals opening up for them (Sacred Dawn and Bavmorda), so come out if you can!
I will be at Firewind for sure...I am coming late though. Dont really want to sit through the local acts. With so many shows this week and next my patience will be very low wit unfunny on stage banter and bands looking to get cheap applause by saying....Are you all ready for "insert headliner here".

Firewind will be an odd show since they will have a fill in singer. Since I like the singer I will be there but I was having my doubts for a bit.

The Bob Chicago tour continues with

Firewind 9/20
Sonata Arctica 9/21
Edguy 9/23
Finntroll 9/28
Cage 9/29 or 9/30.

best part of my tour is no openers.
Well, that is essentially the same set list they played when opening for Moonspell.

Yeah, I am indeed missing a ton of shows.
Luckily for me though, I have seen all the bands already that I am interested in out of all the shows going on this month.
The setlist posted isn't the one from the Mokena show. Friday's set was longer by about three or four songs, there was nothing that I recall from Tonight's Decision, and they played Deadhouse from Discouraged Ones. That they played about 50% of Last Fair Deal Gone Down made my entire night. I dig everything I've heard from this band, but that album has long been my favorite.

This was the first non-festival show in a long, long time where i was actually eager to see all the bands in the package. Swallow the Sun and Insomnium were very pleasant surprises, although I'd heard StS's Hope several times before the show. I was genuinely shocked by the reaction Insomnium got, and I'd like to see them back here at some point, be it for Powerfest or something else.

Scar Symmetry, I thought, were excellent, despite a good number of people ranting about how much they "sucked." Then again, the person who I heard this from most also went on to talk about how 3 Inches of Blood are amazing, so I took her opinion, and that of many others, with a block of salt. The guitar work was phenomenal, and the harmony vocals were spot-on the entire set. There were a few spotty moments in the lead vocal department, but nothing that made me wince or that detracted from the overall experience.

Moshers... I can live with them having been at this show because the fact is most of them will eventually do something that's the equivalent of drinking anti-freeze, so to me their moshing is nothing more than a precursor to making the species stronger through their inevitable Darwin Award-winning demises. Worse than the moshing contingent was the idiot female who just *had to* crowd surf. Shame on those who helped get her up there to begin with, and shame on those who helped pass her stupid ass toward the front. Somehow she nearly made it front and center, but when I saw her coming, I resigned myself to having no part of passing her along. In fact, the closer she got, the less people were keeping her up... and really, I was content to let her drop; at least until I looked up and saw a foot heading in the direction of my face, which in turn causes me to grab the hell, spin her in another direction, and then watch as everyone who was propping her up essentially dropped her dopey ass.

Aaaaanyway... a top-notch show from StS through Katatonia, and an overall excellent experience for me.
The best thing to do with crowd surfers is take thier shoe off and drop it on the floor so they cant find it....beleive me...that teaches them a lesson. Or push them so that they fall and get hurt. That will also teach them a lesson.

There was some guy crowd surfing at Within Temptation. He didnt come close to me but if he did...he would be still looking for his shoe.
Yeah this was a good show. The only band that I was familiar with was Scar Symmetry so I was looking forward to see the other bands. I didn’t listen to any of their stuff on purpose, the point of that being so I would just let the music hit me live and on my face. Swallow the sun where not bad, Insomnium where awesome, I will be picking up some of their cd’s in the future. Scar Symmetry where freaking sweet, they were on top of their game and the harmonies worked really well live, I was actually not expecting that at all. The moshers were a pain in the ass, since every now an then they decided to do their weak ass pit they would always bump into me since I was right in front of it. I wanted to keep my eyes on the band but these idiots made me look behind my back one too many times.

So Katatonia hit the stage and for the first hour I really dug what they were doing, afterwards I was feeling kind of depressed but I hear that that’s what Katatonia is supposed to do. Having never heard a single song of theirs the only way I can describe them is “different”, but I certainly became a fan.

Overall this was a good time even though I almost didn’t go ‘cause of the shitty Friday that I had at work, but I’m really glad that I did.
Yeah this was a good show. The only band that I was familiar with was Scar Symmetry so I was looking forward to see the other bands. I didn’t listen to any of their stuff on purpose, the point of that being so I would just let the music hit me live and on my face. Swallow the sun where not bad, Insomnium where awesome, I will be picking up some of their cd’s in the future. Scar Symmetry where freaking sweet, they were on top of their game and the harmonies worked really well live, I was actually not expecting that at all. The moshers were a pain in the ass, since every now an then they decided to do their weak ass pit they would always bump into me since I was right in front of it. I wanted to keep my eyes on the band but these idiots made me look behind my back one too many times.


You hit the nail on the head....once a few idiots start a pit you really cant watch and enjoy the show since you dont want to get blindsided. That has happened at many shows. Nothing is worse when a song you really like is playing and you cant enjoy it because some dumb ass wants to run into you. I so bad want to bring in something sharp to poke people with when they do that.