Katatonia Video - 10.11.1996 - Live in Rotterdam, Holland


Oct 4, 2002
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hey, I lately ripped this show from a VHS tape.. its cutted at the beginning and its only 2 songs.. 20 minutes, 180mb -vcd

I contaced hobo to put it on his server but I dont get a reply..
when somebody has the chance to serve it for EVERYBODY, dont hesitate and contact me..
nooooo, pls put it on some server accessible to everyone if possible, i'm behind a firewall here for all that member of a "dark net", can't use soulseek and similiar programs :yell:
if you only knew how mad i'm about it, it's not my choice at all..
but in fact there're some postive consequences too, practically you're protected from all the stinking crap coming over the internet.. or so i was told :ill: ah, fuck it.
Okay, yeah, well... you can have someone send it for ya?
About sending... I actually added you on MSN, hargh hargh! Don't take it personal though, you don't have to be afraid. I just wanted to speak to a german, since I'm learning german right now... Especially someone with same interests... anyway, didn't mean to scare ya, and I'm sorry if you're busy etc :)
well yeah, actually I am running soulseek, but idont wanna send to x people so a server would be way better. msn I didnt use for some months, but my nick in soulseek is: AfRip
I would love to get ahold of this too. I have never seen them live or in a video. Not till June in cleveland. I am a tech idiot so I wouldnt even know how to go about getting it through whatever you guys are talking about. Im an idiot :loco:
well, i hope a could get hold of this video somehow..
heh, no probs, the thing is that i use msn very rarely, more often icq, but i'll take a look. i'm quite curious about a katatonic discussion in german.
hey, what's this about being scared and afraid, no way, even though you'vе once admited you can bite, ho ho.
hehe, nice!
But I mean... I wouldn't be surprised if people got scared of me with this, leather-west, general-hat and this grin on my face... but that's good :D
Ok everybody. I wil upload the Video to Hobo#s ftp for the pleasure of everybody. thanks to Hobo for serving. I will leave a msg here when I passed it to him :-)

@ Drynwhyl

Hast du soulseek bei dir auf dem pc?
Drynwhyl vbmenu_register("postmenu_2852052", true);
The_Loveless said:
@ Drynwhyl

Hast du soulseek bei dir auf dem pc?

ich könnt's wieder aktivieren, jedoch ändert das nichts an der sache, bin hier so gut wie hoffnunglos abgekapselt - firewall, dazu noch im darknetz.. so ist nun mal wenn man für 'nen cable nichts zahlen muß. (apropos datenschutz im studentenwohnheim :Smug: )
ich werde wohl dann auch drauf warten bis du mit dem uploaden fertig bist.. ansonsten wäre es natürlich viel schneller gewesen.
thanx The Loveless and thanx Hobo!!!! I've just downloaded from your site the live in London! Sounds really good and Jonas has always a great voice!!!
now i'm waiting for the video bootleg...
Damn my PC is a piece of shit or something. I got the teargas but I couldnt wait to watch it so I stopped dounloading and watched it. Now I cant access the file again. CRAP. Oh well the teargas was f-in sweet.

A burden is it not?
that probably wasn´t your pc, but mine... i tend to turn it off during nighttime (in sweden, i might ad :) )....
it sounds pretty similar to a jet plane, so it is hard to sleep with it turned on.