Katatonia Wallpaper

thought i'd ressurect this one to post one i've done recently. Click the picture in my signature for the full version if you like it since the site this pic is hosted at won't display it in full. Full size is 1024x768

Varg- said:
nice wingnut, but an advice to you would be to work more on the katatonia-syndrome-thing into the gravestone ;)

Kinda late to tell her that, don't you think? :p At least as far as I know she's probably venturing with other works by now. :)
carmine said:
very nice!!!! :)
passenger said:
you guys seem to be very talented...nice artwork!
Thank you:D , i also have another wallpaper i made from the Live in Paris CD cover i created a couple years ago up on my deviant art site. I hope to have a Diabolical Masquerade one made up sometime soon.
thanks man, i appreciate it. i sometimes have a hard time coming up with ideas and an even harder time executing then =/
A Diabolical Masquerade wallpaper has been done by myself. Click the picture in signature to see if interested.