Katy...This is my final post!

Mar 18, 2004
Hartford, CT
Kati, I take it all back sweetheart! I'm so sorry! It's my fault you cheated! If I wasn't so selfish about trying to fulfill my goals of being a chef and putting long studious hours down at the culinary arts center then you would've never had the inclination to go out and have sex with Zack! I'm sorry! Keep the car! I just want you back in my life sweetheart!!! I want it to be like it was before! When we used to look in each other's eyes and see the sunrise. When we used to hold each other's hand as we sat still under an october sunset and watched the world turn as our hearts beat with a rhythm as smooth as silk (and your skin) Oh katy how I love you! Remember the late nights when you wouldn't be able to sleep at night fearing that you would wake up and see that it was just a dream??!?! But it isn't a dream Katy! I'm real! And so is my forgiveness...I hope you carry the same sentiments! I want you back in my arms. In an embrace that will shame the heavens! Forever as one!

This may be a futile attempt to rekindle a flame we once had! But the fire is not out yet. Aslong as you I still share the air in which we breathe, there will be time. We are young and naive like a couple under a tree in eden. We have sinned. But the sin which I commited (neglect) and the sin you commited (adultery) may be atoned for. Together we will make the stars in the sky flicker no more. And the heavens shall fall at our feet in a symbol of our amity!
This may be a futile attempt to rekindle a flame we once had! But the fire is not out yet. Aslong as you I still share the air in which we breathe, there will be time. We are young and naive like a couple under a tree in eden. We have sinned. But the sin which I commited (neglect) and the sin you commited (adultery) may be atoned for. Together we will make the stars in the sky flicker no more. And the heavens shall fall at our feet in a symbol of our amity!
Dude, you should have your penis confiscated for incompetence.
In the still of the night I hear the wolf howl honey, sneakin round your door.

I want you back in my arms. In an embrace that will shame the heavens! Forever as one!

In the stiiiiill of the niiiiiiIIIIIIIIIiiiIIIIIiiiiIIIIIIght!
Those were not lyrics from some shitty hair band!!! that was my heart expressed in words served cold on a silver platter! And what do you guys do?!?!? Mock me! If I can't have my one true love then i'm going to end it all!!!! I'm going to go end my own existence! Farewell cruel world!
Slipknot are tr00 said:
Those were not lyrics from some shitty hair band!!! that was my heart expressed in words served cold on a silver platter! And what do you guys do?!?!? Mock me! If I can't have my one true love then i'm going to end it all!!!! I'm going to go end my own existence! Farewell cruel world!
People killing themselves is kind of funny.
AjDeath said:
People killing themselves is kind of funny.

You know I couldn't go through with it! I had the blade perpendicularly pressed against my wrists! And I just wasn't man enough to do it! Or should I say cowardly enough! I've come to my senses... There is so much more to life than just one woman lost to the sands of time. I will move on!!! Max can you call me??!? I really need to talk to a friend right about now!

Don't be a fucking pussy, kill yourself. It is an easy to do one step process.

Step One-die.

Also, it makes for a happy ending to this little what the fuck.
