Kazaa= beware of viruses...


Satanic Hispanic
Jun 4, 2002
I'd been using Kazaa for a few months and managed to accumulate quite a few viruses... beware of the Benjamin.worm virus. It infected over 6,000 files on my hardrive. It basically re-loads its self when you load windows. Oh yeah OPETH is GOD!!!
(had to throw that in to merit its place on the board-haha)
I agree Kazaa does suck dick, on that note, does anyone have any suggestions for a faster and less shit ass mp3 downloader to use? I'm really sick of it but can't think of what else to use.
I hope not, 'cos I just d-loaded Kazaa Lite a couple of weeks ago, and the spyware freee version of AG.......
i posted this on another thread but i think you should all download this FREE anti-virus thingy, www.grisoft.com it wont let you open virused files and will find and delete virus's. it found 5000 infected files on my computer, its really good, and free. no catches at all too, and NO stupid advertising crap sent each month.
I tried DLing Audiogalaxy a few times now and it always halts when I go to install saying something about a winsock 32 file missing... I've tried numerous times to install that and no dice... I guess its a problem with my fucking firewall or some shit... I'm pissed!! Everytime I do a search in AG for my band "Noctuary" there are tons of hits!!! That rules! Too bad I cant fucking use it!!!
Anyone have any suggestions?