KB toystore is having a video game blowout sale


Aug 2, 2002
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b/c they're not selling them anymore. it starts saturday:

Mace Griffin: 9.99
Panzer Dragoon Orta 9.99
Brute Force 9.99
Blinx 9.99
NBA Street 2 9.99
High Heat BAseball 2004 9.99
World Series Baseball 2k3 9.99
Otogi 14.99
Kung Fu Chaos 14.99
Tony Hawk 4 14.99
Indiana Jones 14.99
Midnight Club II 14.99
Dynasty Warriors 4 19.99
Midtown Madness 3 19.99
Soldier of Fortune 2 19.99
Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes 19.99
Dino Crisis 3 19.99
Nascar Thunder 2004: 19.99

Ico 9.99
Okage 9.99
Mark of Kri 9.99
Shinobi 9.99
Rygar 9.99
Clock Tower 3 9.99
Xenosaga 9.99
Drakan 2 9.99
Amplitude 9.99
Arc the Lad 14.99
Mace Griffin 14.99
Onimusha 2 14.99
Hitz 2003 14.99
Silent Hill 3 19.99
Tomb Raider 19.99
My Street 19.99
Splashdown II 19.99
Auto Modelista 19.99
Contra 19.99
Devil May Cry 2 19.99

MX Superfly 9.99
Rocky 9.99
Eternal Darkness 14.99
Waverace 14.99
Blitz 2k3 14.99
Splinter Cell 14.99
F-Zero GX 19.99
PN 03 19.99
Metroid Prime 19.99
Enter the Matrix 19.99

Botkai 9.99
Crazy Taxy 9.99
i was in kay-bee looking for toys for Lucas two days ago, and their selection was TERRIBLE.

i ended up ordering this from amazon.com:


to go with the Skeletor my parents got him.
somebody name me a good GameCube game i could potentially get for my 10 yr old nephew plzthx. he's into the baseball/football/hockey games, but has many of them so i'm thinking something different. one of these cheaper ones would be good since i refuse to pay $50 for a game for him (unlike my sister who got him the LOTR game in november for his bday).
Damn, Ico for only $10. I got stuck at the windmill when I rented it, now I can finish it for a low price. I also really want to play Silent Hill 3, Arc the Lad, Xenosaga, and Metroid (too bad I don't have a Gamecube...). Plus some others I'm mildly interested in.

Why are they not going to sell them anymore? Bad sales or something?... Cause I thought some of those were fairly popular...