Keepers Part 3

Oct 17, 2003
Wombourne uk
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Whos got it? What do you all think?

I have only given it a few spins and some tracks i really like but some i feel are below standard compared to other albums that i have purchased this year will give it a few more spins it may be a grower.
I love it. It deserves the name. "The King For 1000 Years" and "Occasion Avenue" are brilliant. The rest are also very good. This is probably my favorite Helloween release with Deris on vocals.
Yeah i reckon its pretty good, my faves are King for 1000 years, Silent Rain then Shade in the Shadow...

however, Mrs. God is utterly attrocious - truly a terrible song. The album would be 10 times better without it on there. But that's Helloween for you...
It's utterly awesome. I was lucky enough to get a promo and I've had it playing over and over in the car, and it certaily grows on you. And Docaroo, you're totally wrong; Mrs. God is a fantastic song. I get it stuck in my head all day!

So far no-one has mentioned Invisible Man and Come Alive, two other songs which have sounded better and better as I've become familiar with them. Trust me on this and keep it playing :D
After listening to it for most of the day yesturday i bloody love it there are some superb tracks that i just have to listen to again and again The King For A 1000 Years is on of the best Helloween tracks i have heard in a long while other gems for me include Occasion Avenue,Do Yo Know What Your Fighting For and Light The Universe. Mrs God i didnt like at first but now it just gets stuck in my head. I think once you get past the nostaliger which lets face it thats y alot of people are slating it, approach it with a fresh state of mind and enjoy if ur still having troubke gettin past that k word just call it The Legacy, please excuse the spelling and lack of grammer i was very drunk last night and cba to think.
Is it out already? Shit, I thought I had another two weeks or what :loco:

They had the single for Mrs God in HMV down here but it was like £8??? :erk:
Despite some negative reviews and not being a big fan of Andi Deris I decided to pick this up. Not sure why but I thought I'd give it a shot.

It's not actually all that bad. I don't really like Mrs God to be honest and there are one or two more below par songs but there are some good tracks on there too.

I'll keep on listening. Can't see it coming close to the previous two 'Keepers' albums but I reckon it'll grow on me at least.