Keith Deen (Holy Terror) RIP

Yeah, shitty news, very sorry to hear that. I read it was cancer.
I was hoping for a Holy Terror reunion but apparently he was hard to find and didn't seem to into it anyway.
R.I.P. to one of my favorite vocalists
Keith Deen was one of the most talented and original vocalists in Metal. I remember reading an interview with him back in '88 in Metal Maniacs magazine where he stated that his biggest influence as a vocalist was Roger Daultrey(sp?), and 70's Rock bands, and that he never listened to other Thrash Metal bands. This definitely gave him an 'edge' over other singers in the genre Holy Terror was a part of. His rhythm, sense of melody, and timbre will never be matched by any other singer, ever and he gave his band (and us fans) a real gift by laying his truly unique vocals down to tape for the two albums Holy Terror released. NOW would be a great time for Kurt Kilfelt to get off his ass and finish those "Mind Wars" remixes and release the album for all of us Keith Deen fans...
I put money and an offer out there a few years ago, but I guess I should revisit him again.

Definitely. Now that Keith's gone and so are the chances of a reunion w/him maybe Kurt will be more open to the idea; and it would pay as a nice tribute to the man. I don't know if Candlelight Records still has a grip on the band, though. See if you might be able to beat them to the punch. :headbang: