Kelly Clarkson for PPUSA IX!!!

:zombie: Even if that clip was real (It is fake, right? That's got to be someone's idea of a hilarious editing job.) I don't think that really falls into the styles of metal that Glenn generally chooses for the ProgPower lineup.

Amusing ... somewhat ... but not so much that I'd actually pay money to see something that awful.
her new music is much better than her previous work for sure... which is why it's getting such shitty reviews. and, for all the haters here... Kelly is in the top one percentile of all the female singers on the planet.
her new music is much better than her previous work for sure... which is why it's getting such shitty reviews. and, for all the haters here... Kelly is in the top one percentile of all the female singers on the planet.

In Actuality, it is the only CD with ANY integrity artistically. SHE wrote the album, which is why TPTB hate it so much.
I actually like Kelly Clarkson as much as I like any pop music. I dont' know why, I just do. Now, I would be unaccepting to see her at PP but if someone gave me a ticket to one of her shows, I'd be happy to go see her.

Seriously, I wonder if there are any "pop" or pop-ish bands that would get a pass from the PP crowd. Journey? Aerosmith? Is there anyone?
her new music is much better than her previous work for sure... which is why it's getting such shitty reviews. and, for all the haters here... Kelly is in the top one percentile of all the female singers on the planet.

My wife and I are fans of Kelly's. We actually saw her in Knoxville a couple of years ago and she put on a decent show. After a few years of touring, I'm sure she's much better now.

With that said, I disagree that her new music is much better than her previous efforts. I'd much rather hear her sing catchy pop rock than dull, dark songs. Her new disc just doesn't do much for me. If I want to listen to dark music then I know what bands to reach for and it isn't Kelly Clarkson. She needs to stick with what she does best, which is making catchy pop rock tunes. I'd give her new disc an average rating or 3 ***. Her previous effort was really strong, which I'd rate ****1/2. Just my opinion though.

I actually like Kelly Clarkson as much as I like any pop music. I dont' know why, I just do. Now, I would be unaccepting to see her at PP but if someone gave me a ticket to one of her shows, I'd be happy to go see her.

Seriously, I wonder if there are any "pop" or pop-ish bands that would get a pass from the PP crowd. Journey? Aerosmith? Is there anyone?

Woosta, I believe you and I would agree that we're suckers for a catchy hook and chorus. I'm judging from your various posts in the past. I'll be the first one to admit that I love "pop" or pop-ish bands/artists. Journey is one of my all time favorite bands. I don't think I can live life without them actually! :) In my opinion, Bruce Springsteen can do no wrong. As I type this, I'm listening to Billy Joel's song "I Go To Extremes" if that tells you anything! :worship: Good music is good music, regardless what the naysayers claim. :kickass:

Woosta, I believe you and I would agree that we're suckers for a catchy hook and chorus. I'm judging from your various posts in the past. I'll be the first one to admit that I love "pop" or pop-ish bands/artists. Journey is one of my all time favorite bands. I don't think I can live life without them actually! :) In my opinion, Bruce Springsteen can do no wrong. As I type this, I'm listening to Billy Joel's song "I Go To Extremes" if that tells you anything! :worship: Good music is good music, regardless what the naysayers claim. :kickass:


Interestingly enough, I likes every band you just mentioned (Springteen was the first musician I really got into, and Billy Joel didn't follow to far behind.), but I can't think of anything that Kelly Clarkson has done that really wowed me. This might be due to the fact that I rarely listen to the radio anymore.

I went through my "pop phase" in middle school and early high school and while I can still recognize that on occasion there are note-worthy artists in that category, I wouldn't put any of the artist you just named in the same genre of pop with Kelly Clarkson. While they have all used pop elements at times in their songs, by my standards, Journey, Springsteen and Billy Joel all fall into the rock genre.
Interestingly enough, I likes every band you just mentioned (Springteen was the first musician I really got into, and Billy Joel didn't follow to far behind.), but I can't think of anything that Kelly Clarkson has done that really wowed me. This might be due to the fact that I rarely listen to the radio anymore.

I went through my "pop phase" in middle school and early high school and while I can still recognize that on occasion there are note-worthy artists in that category, I wouldn't put any of the artist you just named in the same genre of pop with Kelly Clarkson. While they have all used pop elements at times in their songs, by my standards, Journey, Springsteen and Billy Joel all fall into the rock genre.

You have to realize that those guys started out young too at one time. They've not always been viewed as classic rock icons. ;) Eventhough Kelly hasn't necessarily wowed me, she does have some catchy pop rock tunes. Also, at one time Bruce, Billy, and Journey were all considered pop, because they were topping the Billboard Charts just like Kelly is today.

In Actuality, it is the only CD with ANY integrity artistically. SHE wrote the album, which is why TPTB hate it so much.

Yep... Kelly RULES in my book, because she has the (proverbial) balls to turn her back on the pop scene and do the music she wants to do. Even if I didn't like her as a singer or a musician, I'd like her for her cojones.
I don't know why people hate on American Idol so much. Rather than record companies selecting artists or downright creating them out of whole cloth, American Idol gives regular folks who happen to be great singers but would never get a chance otherwise to sell themselves directly to an American audience.

Although I guess after producing Ari Kouvinen in the Finnish version of the show, a lot of metalheads might be nicer.:)
Seriously, I wonder if there are any "pop" or pop-ish bands that would get a pass from the PP crowd. Journey? Aerosmith? Is there anyone?

Ugh, how sad to see that Aerosmith is being lumped in with Kelly Clarkson. Do you have to be as old as I am to understand that Aerosmith is one of the greatest, most influential hard rock bands of all time? I hate the band they've become musically over the last 10-15 years (although I don't begrudge them their success, and I still think they're pretty cool cats), but their '70s output is without peer. Ballsy, gritty stuff with groove.

That wasn't meant as a slam on Kelly C. by the way...I happen to like her and respect her talent and apparent integrity.