Hey guys
seems like almost all people at Kemper forum are happy with the new Pure cabinet feature and im really wondering that really no one thinks that it actually sucks
I dont want to be the party breaker in that Kemper thread...but hey...what does it do?
Even on very low settings..the Profile looses his character...it looses the highend..anything you need to cut thru and it increases the lowend and lowmids..everything gets muffled...so the opposite of all we want and need
Maybe its really nice on a FRFR cab to have less harsh frequencies..i can´t tell that but on studio monitors it sounds unusable and horrible. The problem also is..its not assignable per output so it changes also the sound going to FOH or to a real cabinet. Kemper still suggests to leave it always turned on and don´t look back. That really shocks me
and most people seem to be stupid/inexperienced enough. You know that sort of "i want the amp in the room sound" 
My best description in highgain would be - you turn your Mesa Oversize with it into a Harley Benton cab with Harley Benton speakers
The best thing about it - you can turn if off ^^ because even turned on..dialed to zero it will change the tone.
The most stupid thing is in the pdf about it: ""As a proof of concept we have let a number of these "desensitized" professional players and producers test the new Pure Cabinet feature in several situations. Their first reaction was along the lines of: "That pain that I got used to over the years, is now gone. It's a huge relief." They did not want to deactivate Pure Cabinet in any situation - there was simply no reason to switch it off again. So, much to our surprise, they did not miss the original mic'ed sound for a second. Not one of them looked back."
Seriously??? :Spin:
Who has tried it and whats your thoughts? Im still waiting for someone in that Kemper thread to say something similar to what i think about it that i´m not the only "bad boy"
at least...finally LP/HP in the EQs..and it works well
seems like almost all people at Kemper forum are happy with the new Pure cabinet feature and im really wondering that really no one thinks that it actually sucks

I dont want to be the party breaker in that Kemper thread...but hey...what does it do?
Even on very low settings..the Profile looses his character...it looses the highend..anything you need to cut thru and it increases the lowend and lowmids..everything gets muffled...so the opposite of all we want and need

Maybe its really nice on a FRFR cab to have less harsh frequencies..i can´t tell that but on studio monitors it sounds unusable and horrible. The problem also is..its not assignable per output so it changes also the sound going to FOH or to a real cabinet. Kemper still suggests to leave it always turned on and don´t look back. That really shocks me

My best description in highgain would be - you turn your Mesa Oversize with it into a Harley Benton cab with Harley Benton speakers

The best thing about it - you can turn if off ^^ because even turned on..dialed to zero it will change the tone.
The most stupid thing is in the pdf about it: ""As a proof of concept we have let a number of these "desensitized" professional players and producers test the new Pure Cabinet feature in several situations. Their first reaction was along the lines of: "That pain that I got used to over the years, is now gone. It's a huge relief." They did not want to deactivate Pure Cabinet in any situation - there was simply no reason to switch it off again. So, much to our surprise, they did not miss the original mic'ed sound for a second. Not one of them looked back."
Seriously??? :Spin:
Who has tried it and whats your thoughts? Im still waiting for someone in that Kemper thread to say something similar to what i think about it that i´m not the only "bad boy"

at least...finally LP/HP in the EQs..and it works well