Kemper related Job Offer

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
Who wants to do a quick ola/merrow style video for me?
must haves:
good quality camera and some editing skills (see Ola/Keith)
Kemper KPA
good guitar (preferably with EMG JH or something awesome)
good rhythm skills.

the job:
I'm working on my KPA profile'll have LAODS of profiles, but so far I only profiled 1 cab/mic config and a handful of amps, so it's only 10-20 profiles so far...
I wanna use some of them to put together a little teaser video...
but I don't have the time to do that myself, so I need someone to do it for me (doesn't have to feature all the profiles, 3-4 would be enough for now=.

payment: you'll get too keep my profiles (and I gotta say those are some of the best guitar tones I've ever recorded....)
When my Roadster half stack sells. Could be anytime really...maybe if you did a second pack later on give me a shout. Should be all good to go by then!
I have kemper, a canon t2i with diferent lenses, ibanez seven string with EMG 707, a prs custom 513, a ibanez mtm1. I can bring very good guitar players also if needed.
I can do shots with diferent guitars etc, I can use backing tracks, etc.
Let me know if you are interested
mine should be here the 28th, and if you were still willing to share the profiles with me, i would do playthrough/demo review vid for the pack.
i own an assortment of guitars with emg's or duncan distortions. i have a t3i a few lenses and am pretty good with video editing.