Kemper users - your favorite LIVE profiles?


Jul 27, 2005
Just out of curiosity, a question to those of you who also use the Kemper in a live setting: What are your favorite profiles?
Are you using third party profiles (rig exchange), or did you profile your own live rig?
I'm mainly interested in recommendations for heavy rhythm profiles. In terms of leads and cleans I'm set (selfmade marshall jvm210 profile for cleans, lasses liquid leads profile for, well, leads :D), but I still haven't
found just the right rhythm profile.
I think that in a studio setting, there are lots and lots of great sounding profiles available. However, after a few months of experimenting i still haven't found the right one for live playing. I've been using Lasses Schmatz, 90s finest, Hard Hitter, as well as a few of my own JVM210 profiles....all of them are sounding OK, but not quite *great* (unlike in a studio setting).

I think the main issue is the top end...the kemper sounds sort of hi-fi, with a characteristic high end texture which i can't quite dial out. Turning down treble/presence and/or cutting highs with the graphic/studio EQ results in a sound that's too dull and/or lacks definition in a fast and busy live mix, leaving the highs as they are just sounds too "scratchy" for my taste. I guess it's the fact that i'm hearing a miced up sound with that typical sm57 close to the dustcap sizzle/snarl, which leaves me missing the smooth high end you get from running a tube amp through a 412 cab at stage volume.
Of course, I could simply use a poweramp&cab live to get that "amp blasting" feeling, but that would pretty much eliminate the Kempers biggest advantage (much lower stage volume resulting in a clearer on stage sound and giving the FoH tech much more control over the FoH mix).

Any thoughts/recommendations?
try using the WAH LO PASS as a lo pass. works better for that purpose than the EQs imo!

do you play through a powered speaker or with in ears?
No in ears (tried it for a while, but i found it hard to get in the "live-mood" as it sounded like playing to a CD and was too isolated, lacking the live vibe), no dedicated powered speakers (FRFR), just the regular stage monitoring stuff provided by the venue.
thank's for the wah lopass hint, i'll check it out! :)
Do you have a Poweramp and Guitar Cab with you on stage? If not, I'd strongly advice doing so. I have one of those small EH Magnum44 poweramps and play through a cab in addition to stage wedges and use my own profiles and it gives me the same sound/feel like playing with a tube amp - not depending so much on the profile (of course for FOH Profile used is important). The EH 44 is plenty of power even for bigger stages.
so you're expecting awesome sound from speakers having taken years of abuse (in most cases)? :lol:

I dunno man...for me venue monitors are there so I can hear what I'm doing...would never expect them to sound good, I'm happy if they play and
I can hear them.
I'd never expect them to sound like studio monitors...

I'm kinda surprised that the fizzle annoys you...I guess on stage with drums you wouldn't even be hearing it over the cymbals, and most hearing protections would shave off that frequency range too I think
I'm not necessarily talking about the stage me, i'm used to shitty monitor mixes :D
I think the FoH sound could use some more meat, also the rehearsal room mix could be better....
ah well ok...

I dunno man, try to see if that Wah thing helps.
Personally I don't hear any fizz that isn't also on the original mic track...
Maybe you recognize it more cause the kemper has the tendency to produce less lows with a bit more straight forward pick attack?

Never heared a kemper through a big PA (that I know of), but since a lot of big touring bands use them I assume I'll get around that eventually.
All I can say is, that I ALWAYS prefered the tone through headphones/studio monitors or even with the cab off into poweramp into cab, than through any kind of powered speakers PA in the rehearsal/Monitor.
(FRFR is a stupid term imo, so I don't like to use it)
For you guys that use Kemper live - Have you had any problems with it yet (freeze/lock up or something similar)? Could you say that it's reliable for touring?
For you guys that use Kemper live - Have you had any problems with it yet (freeze/lock up or something similar)? Could you say that it's reliable for touring?

I've played two tours and numerous festivals and single gigs with the Kemper. No freeze even once. Rock solid. Also it's great to take it on the plane as carry-on luggage. I use the (Uno4Kemper) Behringer FCB1010 and eh44 poweramp. Great little setup. My FOH guy loves doing soundcheck with me :rock:
Same here - no issues ever. Never ever had a freeze or lockup.
I monitor with a CLR and shoot it to the house.

Word to the wise: Do NOT upgrade your kaos before you test it out.
Fucking been there ..stupid move on my part.
I've played two tours and numerous festivals and single gigs with the Kemper. No freeze even once. Rock solid. Also it's great to take it on the plane as carry-on luggage. I use the (Uno4Kemper) Behringer FCB1010 and eh44 poweramp. Great little setup. My FOH guy loves doing soundcheck with me :rock:

This. Zero issues :)

Edit: Small hint for any Kemper user who's in a touring band....get one of these:
Easy to carry around, and it'll be treated as hand luggage when you want to take it on a plane. Saves a lot of money ;-)