Kerrang interview with $haron


Apr 29, 2004
I know, a lot of threads are about the Ozzfe$t thing...but I still think there could be lots more of reactions. The way this lady crazes on is beyond belief..It's so, so sad Ozzy is involved in this, but if he stays with his so called wive he looses any credibility there was left. Cult status isn't enough for me, if he does want to play in this shameful game , fine for me, no more Ozzy here...

Kerrang!: Reading between the lines of [IRON MAIDEN manager] Rod Smallwood's statement, the unspoken suggestion is that you orchestrated this whole thing...

Sharon Osbourne: "Of course I did. I had the PA turned on and off. And look it's not hard for someone to walk into a diehard Ozzfest crowd and say, 'Who wants to throw an egg at a rock star?' Who wouldn't wanna do that? I went out and bought 50 eggs and me and my daughter had a fucking blast. C'mon, it's rock 'n' roll. No-one died. They'll be waiting a long fucking time for an apology from me."

Kerrang!: Smallwood's statement describes the incident as "dangerous" and "unprofessional"...

Sharon Osbourne: "Well, here's unprofessional for you: our Ozzfest show in San Bernadino is always a big deal. And because it's a special show we wanted to add SLIPKNOT to the bill, which meant that we would have to cut the time from everyone's set so that we wouldn't over-run the curfew. But Monkey Boy (Bruce Dickinson) isn't having it, and so he's onstage going, 'We won't play 55 minutes, fuck that, we're playing 65!' Now that sounds good to the kids out front — they're not gonna understand about a curfew — but of course if IRON MAIDEN plays 10 minutes more, then BLACK SABBATH get 10 minutes less of their show, and I'm not going to have that on our own fucking tour.

"I'd say Bruce Dickinson has been unprofessional in the way he's behaved from day one. He's been complaining that the PA isn't loud enough, complaining about MTV, complaining that my husband does reality shows, complaining about the prices of the tickets, on and on. Fuck him. He didn't even speak to Ozzy once on the whole tour. I mean, Ozzfest ticket prices are expensive but we haven't raised the ticket prices for three years even though, with inflation. All the costs in putting on a show like this rise. If Monkey Boy hated the tour so much why didn't he leave it? I've been paying his wages for four weeks. He didn't seem to have any problem pocketing the $180,000 cheques that me and my husband were writing for the band for every night — that could have stayed in my pocket. Me and my husband built up this tour over 10 years with blood, sweat and tears. I'm not having anyone fuck with that."

Kerrang!: The most astonishing thing about all this is that the metal world has always had such camaraderie, such a "one for all, all for one" attitude...

Sharon Osbourne: "It has, right? But for some reason Bruce Dickinson seemed to view it as a battle of the bands. He'd stand up on that stage and say that this wasn't the Ozzfest anymore, it was MAIDEN-fest. How fucking disrespectful is that? He's got such an '80s mentality. He's up there saying, 'Fuck MTV and fuck radio and you wouldn't catch IRON MAIDEN doing a reality show' and it's like, 'Hang on, you're a shareholder in Sanctuary, which is one of the biggest corporations in the music business.' He's never said a word about SABBATH either, only Ozzy, so it's personal. We've had 220 bands play this tour over the last 10 years and I've never felt the need to egg anyone."

Kerrang!: Did you confront Bruce personally about this?

Sharon Osbourne: "No, I didn't want to give Monkey Boy the satisfaction of thinking that he'd annoyed Ozzy. The truth is that Ozzy never heard a single note of IRON MAIDEN's shows, most nights he wasn't on site when the band took the stage. My husband is a prince. And you know what, he had nothing to do with this. He wouldn't stoop to something like this, but I'm a fucking bitch and I have no problem with it.

"Let's face it, the guy is a failed solo singer who's gone back to his band after his solo career failed. I don't know how many albums his last solo albums old in England but in America it sold 6,000 copies. Every solo album my husband puts out goes platinum. Look, tell you what, you take a picture of my husband and a photo of Monkey Boy down to (London's) Regent Street now and see who people recognize. There's no fucking question, is there? And that's what it boils down to: Jealousy. Bruce Dickinson isn't my husband's peer. There wouldn't be an IRON MAIDEN if there was no SABBATH."

Kerrang!: And you didn't say anything to their management either?

Sharon Osbourne: "No, I have no problem with their management. After we did the first show in Boston, I had an email from Rod Smallwood saying that Bruce was concerned that the front rows of the audience weren't really MAIDEN fans and so I kept a couple of rows of seats clear every night so that we could bring in MAIDEN fans in MAIDEN T-shirts to make the band feel comfortable. I was the mug who did this for four weeks. And then this is how Monkey Boy repays me."

Kerrang!: From the outside it looked like the tour had been quite amicable, particularly as MAIDEN was stepping in to headline when Ozzy had to cancel some appearances...

Sharon Osbourne: "Yes, they were happy to do that when they were given an extra $100,000 a night! We could have had ROB ZOMBIE close the show. MAIDEN are a great band, but the truth is that they have never cracked America, like Ozzy has. At MAIDEN's last two L.A. shows they played to something like 15,000 people over two nights: We gave them a platform to perform to 46,000 people in Los Angeles, and that's a wonderful opportunity. And I knew they were looking forward to it. So I was like, 'Oh, you're really looking forward to being back in L.A., are you?' Well this is where you learn you don't fuck with me..."

Kerrang!: Up to this point you're being painted as the "Wicked Witch" here, Sharon...

Sharon Osbourne: "I'm as nice as can be to people until they fuck with me and my family. I've always said that. I'm surprised that after everything that's been reported about how protective I am of my husband that anyone would even be shocked by this."

Kerrang!: Was there any comment from the MAIDEN camp after the show? It's been reported that Steve Harris apologized...

Sharon Osbourne: "Steve Harris came into apologize to Ozzy before he went onstage and he was lovely. I mean, the band are gentlemen, really down-t-earth, lovely guys. Their singer is just a liability and they can't be responsible for that. He's got a great voice but he's obviously been sucking Ronnie James Dio's cock for singing lessons. He goes on about being a pilot and a swordsman and an author and whatever - does he think he's better than everyone else? If he's such a swordsman maybe he should have fenced the eggs out of his way! I should have thrown bananas..."

Kerrang!: Your daughter Kelly is on Sanctuary Records (owned by MAIDEN's management): Isn't this going to create tension?

Sharon Osbourne: "What, they're gonna drop her because she threw a fucking egg? I don't think so. What's Kelly gonna do, walk up to Monkey Boy and ask for an autograph because he's been such a big influence on her musically? Ask if she can do a duet on 'Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter'? Fuck off."

Kerrang!: Rod Smallwood's statement brings up another point which is that regardless of any personal fueds between the two camps, the people who really suffered where the people who bought tickets for the show.

Sharon Osbourne: "Come on, a bit of egg isn't gonna spoil a rock show for someone standing at the back of a 46,000 strong crowd. Everyone got a show they'll remember for the rest of their lives. If I was at that show I'd want to keep the ticket stub because it'll go down in history."

Kerrang!: Doesn't this kind of incident make you think, 'Fuck it, I just don't need this grief anymore'?

Sharon Osbourne: "No, not at all. Because he's not here anymore so it's fine. He can go back to Chiswick and wash the peanut butter out of his hair and sit in the pub and talk about having a wank. But he'd better watch out that he doesn't run into my son at Reading. Jack would give him one kick in the head and that'd be that. But you know what the irony is? Jack wouldn't know Monkey Boy if he fell over him in the street..."

Kerrang!: Saying things like this could make this run and run...

Sharon Osbourne: "Not for me. We have Ozzfest shows to do so I'm not thinking about this anymore. Bruce Dickhead doesn't exist to me anymore."
carnut said:
. He's got a great voice but he's obviously been sucking Ronnie James Dio's cock for singing lessons.
OMG.. How did RJD get into this?!?!
Kerrang!: Rod Smallwood's statement brings up another point which is that regardless of any personal fueds between the two camps, the people who really suffered where the people who bought tickets for the show.

Sharon Osbourne: "Come on, a bit of egg isn't gonna spoil a rock show for someone standing at the back of a 46,000 strong crowd. Everyone got a show they'll remember for the rest of their lives. If I was at that show I'd want to keep the ticket stub because it'll go down in history."

She's dillusional if she thinks the fans thought this didn't spoil their show. she showed NO regard for anyones safety. You certainly can't hold your breath waiting for her to apologize at minimum to the fans........
a) Thanks Carnut I read it yesterday in Spanish and I couldn't found it to post it here.
b) Now let's get to dissect She-Bitch from Hell

carnut said:
Sharon Osbourne: "Of course I did. I had the PA turned on and off. And look it's not hard for someone to walk into a diehard Ozzfest crowd and say, 'Who wants to throw an egg at a rock star?' Who wouldn't wanna do that? I went out and bought 50 eggs and me and my daughter had a fucking blast. C'mon, it's rock 'n' roll. No-one died. They'll be waiting a long fucking time for an apology from me."

Damn (need really bad insult in English), she doesn't even denied to be a criminal!

Kerrang!: Did you confront Bruce personally about this?

Sharon Osbourne: "No, I didn't want to give Monkey Boy the satisfaction of thinking that he'd annoyed Ozzy. The truth is that Ozzy never heard a single note of IRON MAIDEN's shows, most nights he wasn't on site when the band took the stage. My husband is a prince. And you know what, he had nothing to do with this. He wouldn't stoop to something like this, but I'm a fucking bitch and I have no problem with it.

Again she admits she is lower than an immature kid, she didn't even thought about doing her DUE as an organizer and ask the responsable part to apologize. No, she resources to a low and dirty behavior typical of trolls.

"Let's face it, the guy is a failed solo singer who's gone back to his band after his solo career failed. I don't know how many albums his last solo albums old in England but in America it sold 6,000 copies. Every solo album my husband puts out goes platinum.

That's half a pile of shit and half a sad truth.
The shit from the point that all Bruce records (except "Tattoed Millionaire") are FAR MORE SUPERIOR than any album Ozzy put after Randy demise (don't even argue with me about this point, I'll not bend or break :lol: )
The sad truth is that Ozzy is more successfull on sales, mainly because his material is commercial from the start, that's why the Osbournes, the Ozzpest exist because MONEY TALKS.

Kerrang!: And you didn't say anything to their management either?

Sharon Osbourne: "Yes, they were happy to do that when they were given an extra $100,000 a night! We could have had ROB ZOMBIE close the show. MAIDEN are a great band, but the truth is that they have never cracked America, like Ozzy has.

Because they hadn't sold their asses like $haron did for (brainless) Ozzy. If Maiden had wanted to sold out, they had changed long ago like Metallica.

Kerrang!: Was there any comment from the MAIDEN camp after the show? It's been reported that Steve Harris apologized...

Maiden through Rod had denied this emphatically.

Sharon Osbourne: "Come on, a bit of egg isn't gonna spoil a rock show for someone standing at the back of a 46,000 strong crowd.

So basically she believes those 46 k where there for Ozzy and some mallcore shit, not for Maiden? Go suck my....

Kerrang!: Reading between the lines of [IRON MAIDEN manager] Rod Smallwood's statement, the unspoken suggestion is that you orchestrated this whole thing...

Kerrang!: Smallwood's statement describes the incident as "dangerous" and "unprofessional"...

Kerrang!: The most astonishing thing about all this is that the metal world has always had such camaraderie, such a "one for all, all for one" attitude...

Kerrang!: Did you confront Bruce personally about this?

Kerrang!: And you didn't say anything to their management either?

Kerrang!: From the outside it looked like the tour had been quite amicable, particularly as MAIDEN was stepping in to headline when Ozzy had to cancel some appearances...

Kerrang!: Up to this point you're being painted as the "Wicked Witch" here, Sharon...

Kerrang!: Was there any comment from the MAIDEN camp after the show? It's been reported that Steve Harris apologized...

Kerrang!: Your daughter Kelly is on Sanctuary Records (owned by MAIDEN's management): Isn't this going to create tension?

Kerrang!: Rod Smallwood's statement brings up another point which is that regardless of any personal fueds between the two camps, the people who really suffered where the people who bought tickets for the show.

Kerrang!: Doesn't this kind of incident make you think, 'Fuck it, I just don't need this grief anymore'?

Kerrang!: Saying things like this could make this run and run...

It's my idea or the questions are ABSOLUTELY partialized to $haron side? :err:

c) and finally some food for thought

ABC ePrep is reporting that Kid Rock, Sharon Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne have been added to the list of presenters at the World Music Awards. The award ceremony will take place tonight (Aug. 31) and ABC-TV is scheduled to broadcast the show on September 13.

Who's a sold out? Will Maiden go and bare their asses on that kind of show?

*wonder if we should bring some eggs*

OZZY OSBOURNE will be issuing a separate version of Disc 4 ("Under Covers") of his recently issued box set, "Prince of Darkness", on November 1, 2005 via Sony. The DualDisc release will contain nine tracks that were previously released on the "Prince" box set, plus four brand new cover tunes.

Does Maiden has covers? Yes. Do they need a special record because their lack on intelligence to put material out? No. (let's not go into boxes and compilations, since both Ozzy and Maiden are guilty on that issue).

Top five 'important people in rock'
1. Sharon Osbourne
2. Satan
3. Brian Becker (Clear Channel Entertainment
4. Justin Hawkins
5. Rick Rubin (record producer)

Rod Smallwood score number 8th (I can't find now the complete list fuck!). Anyway the point is she is a BIG MEDIA WHORE. Her importance in rock, real honest to God music is nil.

I can go on and rant forever, I'll not let my arm to be twisted. She's freaking evil, she's the Osama bin Laden of rock :yuk:
It's funny how all that money and fame still can't buy any class. Should Bruce feel honoured if Jack Osborne recognize him in the street?, I wouldn't be. Nothing she says can justify her behaviour.
Nothing about her replies surprises me, the real shocker here is the fact that Kelly landed a music contract, and with Santuary of all labels, does this mean that they were up in the Ozborne's asses as well? I mean with her talent there has to be politics involved.
I think the questions were well stated giving her every opportunity to speak out. All she did is call people names, (again) give outlandish excuses on why the assualt was done (again) and this time.... drags RJD into it what the hell did he do to her?!?!? I believe that's slander if I have that defination correct. \

I hope those in the industry will stay away from her when it comes to future business. Beware: it could be you band next.
I guess the bitch is pissed because RJD replaced her beloved golem in BS...and made a better album than old Ozzy albums together!

Heaven And Hell rules, the rest is just fillers in a collection (Official HAH Defender UMOS Chapter) :D
$haron comes off sounding like a petulant 12 year old brat. She has the gall to admit to her wrong doings but yet is proud of them, again in a very childish way. Plus the comment about Dio was completely out of line. She proves to be more of a scum bag each time she opens her mouth.
This bitch is full of shit, I never read something similar idiotic. In what kind of world does she live? Comparing a drug addicted, ugly little wanker like her retarded son with a guy like Bruce? Yeah sure, getting a pilot licence is really easy...
Seriously, it´s good to see that the metal community is a unity in this case which stand like one man behind Iron Maiden and Bruce!
Sharon is the biggest fucking bitch in the entire music world. I hope she gets eaten alive by a pack of crazed beavers. As for that faggot Jack, I remember seeing an episode of The Osbornes were he talked about Meshuggah being "death metal from Norway". Fucking idiot, that whole family is fucked.

@Wyvern - I agree about Ozzy's solo material, I think it's overrated commercial crap, with the exception of the Randy material.
ok, now. sharon says "he disrespected ozzy". and then she says "ozzy's a old failed solo singer, who failed so went back to his old band". fuckin hypocritcal bitch.

on and steve harris, if he even did apologize, she even said he did itbefore the fuckin show. not after her ridiculous display.

and talkin about Dio like that is fuckin dumb, she needs to learn respects before she speaches on it.

she says "what i did, did not ruin the show for fans". EX-FUCKIN-CUSE ME?!??! has she even talked to any of the fans OTHER then that heifer of a daughter, if shes even considered a fan? cos i have, i have talked to 476 that went so far...ALL are against SHARON, and are very pissed at her.

aaah so much lies and twisting words and shit. she says "she didnt wanna give bruce the satisfaction of knowing he annoyed ozzy". ok, so with this statement, what about talkin to Bruce or Maiden's Management for the sake of the rest of the band, crew, AND THE MOTHER FUCKIN FANS GOD DAMNIT!?!?

im not spending more time with this, fuck her, shes wrong
I like how she says "Come on, a bit of egg isn't gonna spoil a rock show for someone standing at the back of a 46,000 strong crowd. Everyone got a show they'll remember for the rest of their lives. If I was at that show I'd want to keep the ticket stub because it'll go down in history."

No But turning on and off the FUCKING P.A. will. What a bitch. Yeah, I'd keep the ticket stub to demand my money back for ruining the show.