Kevin Rudd Censoring Internet


Apr 7, 2006
Gold Coast,24897,22997228-15306,00.html

A RUDD Government plan to censor internet pornography and violence could undermine another of its election promises - to speed up our internet access.
Kevin Rudd's online porn-free plan questioned

Kevin Rudd promised before the election to force internet service providers to supply a clean feed to households and schools free of "inappropriate" material
The Internet Industry Association has warned the downside of censoring access could be a reduction in the speed of access to websites.

Mr Rudd promised before the election to force internet service providers to supply a clean feed to households and schools free of "inappropriate" material.

Australians who want uncensored access to the web will have to contact their provider and opt out of the service.

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy says the clean feed will be achieved by getting the Communications and Media Authority to prepare a blacklist of unsuitable sites.

Internet Industry Association spokesman Peter Coroneos said the industry is working closely with the Government on the policy to be trialled later this year.

But he warned it could never be completely successful in blocking access to all pornographic sites, just the ones on the blacklist.

If new sites were launched that were not included on the blacklist the clean feed would not restrict access to them, he said. "You've got to be aware of the fallibility of the approach," he warned.

There were millions of pornographic websites and if all of them were included in the blacklist "there is a potential for slow downs in access to occur", he said.

"The more sites you attempt to block the greater the effect on the network performance and speed," he said.

This is because every time you type a request into your search engine it will have to be checked against all the sites on the blacklist, he said.

In Britain where a clean feed policy is being pursued, only between 200 and 1000 child pornography sites have been included on a blacklist.

But if Australia insisted on including millions of general pornography sites and others that include violence it could undermine internet users' speed of access to websites, Mr Coroneos said.

A 2005 pilot study carried out by the former Howard government found a clean feed approach could cut down speed of accessing the internet by between 18 to 78 per cent depending on what was being blocked.

The Rudd Government campaigned on a platform promising to speed up Australians' access to the worlwide web by rolling out broadband around the country.

Mr Coroneos said any clean feed policy would have to be carefully balanced.

He said households that really wanted to block out pornographic material would be better off investing in a home based filter system.

wow. Thats kinda what China does to its internet.
I can't believe I voted for that guy. I don't want any of this fascist bullshit.
"Australians who want uncensored access to the web will have to contact their provider and opt out of the service."

What's the problem?

Why does the majority of the population have to opt out to protect minors? Why can't parents opt-in?

I have heard that they have tried this in New Zealand and it is a joke.

These things are always easy to get around.
The problem is "Why do you want to opt-out of the service, you filthy, filthy pervert terrorist paedophile. We're gonna have to keep a watch on you now".

Are you a filthy pervert terrorist paedophile? No? So what do you have to worry about? And besides, you're not opting out with the government, you're opting out with your ISP. The ISP probably wouldn't give a fuck why people want to opt out. And infact the ISPs probably feel the same way about it as everyone else.

Not to say that I agree with it, but I don't see it as big a slap in the face as everyone else seems to be taking it.

I'll opt out. I there's nothing that I'd be looking at that I'd be worried about ASIO busting down my door over anyway.

If you DO look at anything like that, you take that risk yourself. In general I don't think ISPs really give too much of a shit about what it's users look at until a third party contacts them about it.

You never see an ISP directly contact someone over downloading games or music off their own backs, it's aways production houses or companies that track IPs of people sharing stuff back to their ISP, and then the ISP acts on their Usage Agreement.

In a way, this just covers for those fuck-up parents who don't give a shit about their kids or the way they grow up.
Problem is that such a system can only work using "lookup tables" of banned sites.

Every time you Google "Maiden Downunder", the hits (every single one of them) have to be checked against every item on the look-up table to see if it's a banned link. So every hit (possibly hundreds) has to be compared to every banned site (hundreds of thousands) before your search engine can display them...takes time, and the more sites get banned the longer it takes...there goes high speed internet.

If someone changes their site address, then it's not on the list, and porn can get through anyway.

At some stage in the future there is scope for Governments to start adding "other" stuff to the list that they don't want people to see. Not saying that's the case now, but it's easier to do it under such a system.

Opt in makes sense.
Saying it's up to parents to monitor is easier said than done. All they need is for a smart kid or the kid to have a friend who knows their way around and how to crack codes etc.
There is only so much a parent can do.
We had our computer in full view of the lounge and yet it was not enough for us to be checking up step daughter regularly and educating her on safe things. She found ways to disguse everything she did on the computer and changed passwords regularly had friends cover her tracks for her. It's damn hard and impossible to control what your kids do on the net etc. if they want to do it they will find a way to get away with it.
It's dumb.

Just to agree with Xena there, just Google "how to get past ISP filtering" and you'll get pages and pages of results like this one:

That page alone gives you heaps of examples of ways to get around it, and all you need to do then is search for those things for how to do it. Any semi-smart kid will be able to do that, or have a geek friend who can do it for them.

But to agree with everyone else, I think good parenting is more important than internet filters. At the end of the day too, no parent can protect their kids from everything, and if you do I think the kid will grow up with a very unreal view of the world anyway. Kids are naturally curious and will find ways to get around the rules - I know I was a little bastard as a kid that was always finding new ways to get into mischief, no matter how over protective my parents tried to be.

No internet filter will do the job better than a parent can, simple as that, and for those of us that know this or don't have kids, having their net speed compromised for the ridiculous false sense of security this will give to the ignorant out there... well, I think it's pretty shit.
Kids will be kids, they will push any boundary they can if they feel like it. Not alot a parent can do about it, yeah it scares me as a parent but that kid was me once and there was no stopping me doing what I wanted. Kevin Rudd better pull his head in or he'll end up like that guy in Perth waving at those chicks washing their car, hahah! [doctors quote]looks like we will have to amputate[/quote]:lol:
I stole porno magazines from the milk bar when I was 10. That hasn't had an adverse affect on me, has it?! :confused:
I have been using the internet since I was 11 and trust me I looked up a lot of weird and wonderful stuff but I didn't turn out to be a criminal or have psychiatric problems.