Kevin Rudd may be standing down, Julia Gillard to replace (Aus)

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I don't know if this is a good thing. Then again I don't really know much about politics at all.

I do know, however, that whenever Kevin Rudd speaks and tries to wipe that fucking smug smirk off his face I want to hit him right in the fucking nose. I cannot STAND that guy.
Hahaha and people were worried about John Howard retiring and putting in Peter Costello. :lol:

I seriously want to punch all the retarded people my age who voted for Rudd because he was on facebook.
It's been so long since I've actually given a shit about Australian politics , that I don't have a clue whether this is a good thing either.
It's really hard to care about Australian politics when it's just a constant round table of horse shit being fed to us.
You know all that stuff Labour has been doing to piss everyone off? Yeah well she had a hand in all of it, so as someone on telly said; same horse, different jockey. Still better than Greens though.