Kevlar HC / No Comply - Split CD

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Kevlar HC / No Comply - Split CD
Rude Records - 2002
By Philip Whitehouse

Go to the Rude Records web site.

Ah, a split CD. I wish I got more of these to review - they don't normally take very long. Four tracks in total, two by hardcore crew Kevlar HC, two by nu-metal hopefuls No Comply.

Kevlar HC are first, and the brusing 'Aggression' comes racing out of the speakers like... well... pretty much every other hardcore track you might have heard, actually. But it's all done well, the anger is present and correct, the guitars have a bit more growl to them than usual, and at least it's longer than two minutes. All of the above pretty much applies to their second track, 'Our Fire'.

So, on to No Comply. 'Atrophied' starts off the nu-metal boy's half of the split, and it sounds fairly promising. All the typical elements are in place - sampler, quiet melodic bits followed by crunching heavy bits, an almost total lack of individuality... nah, I'm getting bored now. Maybe the next track...

'Youthanasia' starts with a vaguely Pitchshifter-esque intro, before settling into a driving groove complete with rapping/singing and a fairly groovy riff. The problem is it's nothing that hasn't been heard before.

So, a split CD that could have included tracks by any of the prominent bands in the respective genres and nobody would have noticed the difference, then. Thanks, but no thanks.
