
Apr 13, 2006
London, England
I'm thinking of buying a keytar within the next few months to use with my band. I was hoping someone should tell me what I should be looking for, and maybe reccommend a particular model. Also, what's the best place to buy one from? Cheers guys.

Get a Roland AX-7, or a Roland AX-1. I believe the ax1 is pretty much the same as the 7, but it's red instead of white, older, and doesn't have one of those infrared dbeams. Might have less midi message support too. Anything else is just a novelty toy with tiny keys. Plus, any instrument used by such legendary bands as Power Quest, Battleheart :p, Sonata Arctica and Rick Wakeman can't be bad.

I got my AX-7 in sound control in Bristol for I think £270 new. They had it hanging down from the ceiling, and I totally fell in love instantly. Pretty costly for a midi controller, aye. But worth every penny.
dragonwarrior said:
I dont even play keyboard but I want one! I may take up keyboard just to get one!

Steve, you're an inspiration :D

Aww...shucks dude! hehe!

The AX7 is a great bit of kit and I thoroughly recommend it. The AX1 wil get the job done as well and should be much cheaper second hand, as already mentioned on this thread.
Tonberry said:
Dunno if you're into eBay or not, but if you look into it you could get one here for about £200 nicker (AX7) or even cheaper if you're willing to wait for one to be shipped from the USA.

Yeah, I'm gonna keep looking for one from the States. There aren't any at the moment on eBay, but I'm sure there will be if I wait long enough. Thanks for all the help guys.
I have a roland ax 1 and it is just fine! the ax 7 is basically just a reissue of it, only differences are color, the ax7 has d-beam but ax 1 has expression panel (pretty much the same thing), and the ax 7 has a small digital screen to program with, whereas you just have to do it without that screen on the ax 1 (which any idiot can do). Oh, and the ax 1 is about 7 years older. Thats it though, no weaker midi system or anything like that. I paid 350 USD for mine off ebay, you could probably get in even cheaper for essentially the same thing as an ax7, good luck!