Kick EQ


Sinister Sound
Mar 8, 2013
Im still using kick 10, do you guys normally end up taking quite a few cuts out of it (5/6), like stated in my other post i keep feeling like i am listening way to hard when equalizing. Every time i take out a frequency that sounds harsh, another one seems to appear, i also get the same with guitars, maybe im just cutting out way too much
Also i really need to invest in some other samples, that are not slate, shame I'm low on funds at the moment
I definitely found that after taking out 200hz, the kick sounded a lot more trebly and too clicky, because 200 seems to take out a lot of the bassiness of the kick, i had to high pass it to stop it from sounding too clicky
im using m-audio av40s but i want to upgrade to some yamaha hsm 80 or krk rp8 monitors, also i was confused and thought people were telling me to take a wider cut out of 200hz :p
Orion is right that u should probably cut some freqs around 200 Hz, because that's were the body and punch of the snare sits
+1 to oroin and guj (as usual:p)

You definitely should invest in some more samples! Kick 10 is awesome, but I've found that it's become the "been there done that" of music. Same with Snare 12. I find myself usually mixing two more kick samples to the mix before I finally get a nice, solid kick sound I like. As far as kick EQ goes, I usually put a SMALL low pass on it, just to take those really really high freqs out. Carve out some at 200, 500-600 and 2k, small boost at 4k for some click, and boost anywhere around 30-60 for the thump (depends what suits your mix!)

But you shouldn't focus TOO much on what it sounds like by itself. You need to mix in context. Sometimes you can get a kick that sounds really awesome on it's own, but it sounds terrible in the mix.