kickass Inner Circle reviews wanted


May 17, 2002
Reykjavik, Iceland
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Hey guys

I was wondering if you guys knew any really cool reviews of The Inner Circle? I would appreciate it if you could paste some here (and where they are taken from) or links to them.

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Written by wicmgp on May 3rd, 2004

Evergrey- The Inner Circle.

In their latest album, The Inner Circle, Evergrey explores the dark world of the molestation scandals which shook the Roman Catholic church not to long ago. Nowhere is this more prominently displayed than in the seventh song, The Essence of Conviction. But we’ll get there soon enough.

Anyway, on with this review. The opening track, A Touch of Blessing, has a very slow, soft start, with Tom’s masterful voice speaking a few lines with the drums and keyboards sneaking up behind, and then bursting through, and then slowing down a bit again. The song is pretty repetitive, vocally anyway, after that, but with enough musical variety to carry the listener right into the next song: Ambassador.

Starting out with a solid drum piece, well supplemented by the keyboard, this song steps up the pace a bit, describing (at least, in my opinion) the duties and responsibilities of a priest, especially with the last and first two lines of the chorus: I am/ Light to cast away shadows/The Spirit, Holy Ghost, and even Jesus/God walking earth/Ambassador. The music is compelling, molding with Tom’s voice perfectly, all the way until the final solo. Which brings us to:

In The Wake Of The Weary. Great song, nothing much to comment on though… great singing, great music, as usual for Evergrey.

Moving into Harmless Wishes, a song which, I think, really sets the mood and tone for the album, especially the middle of the song: Delightful so beautiful/Can’t stop what he’s been told/She’s three years old. Towards the end, we have a solo by guitarist Henrik Danhage, which is simply beautiful.

Slowing down a bit more, we come to Waking Up Blind. Very slow, very somber, with a steady tempo, the song just seems to radiate hopelessness, touching something very deep and emotional…

Speeding back up, More Than Ever speaks of courage, and strength to face various perils, and the keyboard/drum team of Rikard Zander and Jonas Ekdahl sets a fairly simple, yet very rich rhythm, which just seems to enhance the guitar and vocals of Tom Englund.

Reaching The Essence of Conviction, Evergrey stops being quite so vague, and describes the inner turmoil of one of the ‘scandalized (for lack of a better term)’ priests in the beginning, and moving into the emotion of one of the molested. It just oozes pain, doubt, and a sense of betrayal. One of my favorite songs on the album, it’s also the longest…

Moving onto Where All Good Sleep. It seems to re-state the theme in Waking Up Blind, only not quite as hopeless, perhaps speaking to a bit of light shining in darkness, but keeping that distinctive ‘glum, sad, and otherwise depressed’ feeling which Evergrey does so well.

Which brings us to the last vocal song on the album: Faith Restored. Starting off slow, it really is about spiritual cleansing, with the very faint guitar in the background, and what sounds like a recording of spoken words in the background (these appear throughout the entire album, especially in the next song.). A slow song, as stated earlier, but very, very good. A good break from the faster stuff.

And now, my other favorite track on the album: When The Walls Come Down. Those ‘recordings’ are back, sort of narrating the story. With a string quartet from the Gothenburg Symphonic Orchestra, it’s a very powerful peace. You start listening to the beginning, listening to the voice, and then to the strings, and then: BAM! The drums take over (rather forcibly I might add), and then allow the strings back in. Another note on this song: With those voices, and the strings, this piece definitely moves you emotionally, which, in my opinion, is a rarity, albeit a welcome one, in a metal band.

Overall, this is a kick-ass album, with a decent variety of rhythms and styles that’ll hook you, keeping you listening to the album 24/7, for at least a week. If you like Evergrey, or progressive metal in general, and you don’t yet have this album, get off your computer, get outside, and get to the nearest metal-selling store, and buy it (or you could order it online, I suppose.)
im going to review the cd in a few days. i have been listening to it a whole lot and think im ready to review it. i have memorized the lyrics for almost every song and its just fantastic. real moving cd, but i will post all my views of it in a review, hopefully i will write it and actually have the time to do so.
Here is some shameful self-promotion of my review:

How do I even begin here? When receiving Evergrey's latest album, The Inner Circle, I knew I would get a five star album filled with excellent songs and lyrics but I honestly did not expect to get a flawless masterpiece. Yes, that is correct: flawless. Now, as a review reader, I definitely know it's hard to swallow words such as "flawless" and "perfect" as they're generally pretty worn-out and inaccurate. However, with The Inner Circle, I honestly can stand up and say this is a perfect album. Now that you, the reader, know I think the album is perfect, here is why I think it's perfect.

I guess a good place to start is the music since that's the reason why we all buy CDs isn't it? Well, for all of you Evergrey veterans out there, this is definitely Evergrey. You have your heavy guitars, melodic solos, technical drumming from Evergrey's new and young drummer Jonas Ekdahl, ethereal keyboards and of course Tom's emotional vocals. For those of you just beginning to look into the wonderful realm of Evergrey, you can expect all that was listed in the previous sentence as well as a style of Progressive Metal you've never heard before. Unlike most Progressive Metal bands, Evergrey rely more heavily upon emotion and atmosphere rather than long, technical, "show-off" type-songs that are commonly used in Progressive Metal. Now, please do not get me wrong - Evergrey play their instruments masterfully but they do not let their songs get stale with dry, long, overdone runs of technical ability "show-off."

Unlike Evergrey's previous 2003 effort, Recreation Day, The Inner Circle is based off of a concept. For those unfamiliar with a concept albums, they're an album totally based off of a story; a concept. Rather than trying to describe the concept of The Inner Circle myself, I'll directly quote Tom on the concept: "Throughout the album we will follow a fragile person with low self-esteem who leaves his family for a cult, and who makes drastic changes in his life in order to fully live out 'the inner circles' way of life." There you go, what The Inner Circle is all about. I'd like to add that this is the best concept album I've heard in my life. As a music listener I can openly say I am moved by a lot of music but it is rare that an album moves me as much as The Inner Circle has. Not only did it make me highly emotional, it really kicked-up the thought-process which is always a good thing. Lastly, please keep in mind that this is not an easy concept to swallow; it's extremely dark and deep, more so than your average concept album. Just keep that in mind if you're looking for something more along uplifting lines.

Have been listening to Progressive Metal for some years now, I know how important an album's production can be. If the instruments aren't balanced or the overall sound-quality is poor, it can ruin the whole listening experience. Fortunately, Evergrey have mastered the art of production. All of the instruments (including vocals) are very well-balanced and clear making for the best possible listening experience around.

To basically sum up my review and thoughts here, if you like Metal you really should do yourself a favor and look into Evergrey. You'll experience a band that cannot even be compared to others which is an extremely rare thing in Metal today. If you are already an Evergrey fan, I see absolutely no reason why you shouldn't pick The Inner Circle up. Basically, if you want perfection - you've got it!