kicks over lamp, throws empty can at matt...


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2008
bater town
YEA! now the evil gama bomb dudes are on this forum messing things up.whats that? your mum has been saving that bottle of sherry? well we dont care were gona drink it and give off to everyone! haha!
i don't know while GB has the inalianable advantage of being irish i still think that ben and mike balance things out.
i got the a.i.d.s on tour so i cant talk about it ( must save strength).

we were hard at work slogging evile merch all over europe you owe us a pint ( or £2.60 in real cash) althow i did steal about 4 shirts and a redux so... er we'll call it quits.
welcome to the forums
a fight between evile and GB, this one intrigues me, i would possibly have to say GB but wud be funny to see

That fight would end up exactly as follows:

GB would get too wasted to fight, mike would get too wasted too, he'd go on GB's side just because. I'd be partially sober, matt would be asleep, ben would be suplexing everyone. So i'd just stand there basking in glory I didnt contribute to.

.....or GB become way better fighters when drunk.

I'm about as much a fighter as fred durst is a guitarist
That fight would end up exactly as follows:

GB would get too wasted to fight, mike would get too wasted too, he'd go on GB's side just because. I'd be partially sober, matt would be asleep, ben would be suplexing everyone. So i'd just stand there basking in glory I didnt contribute to.

.....or GB become way better fighters when drunk.

I'm about as much a fighter as fred durst is a guitarist

hehe i still wud like to see it
haha Ben is the Huddersfield equivilant of Zangief! :lol: When he saw Greg in Sheffield the other week, Greg was telling him about Bloodbrawl's recording habits and all he replied with was 'You guys are just a band of Mikes!' :lol::lol::lol:

By the way, to Gama Bomb - how'd you enjoy that Jack Daniels, and did any of Bonded by Blood get laid again after the Sheffield gig? :D
are you saying that YOU and EARACHE RECORDS ltd will pay evile and gama bomb the sum of £ 2000 each to have a nude "fight" in a big paddeling pool filled with shit and dildos?

i would never do that.that is gay so it is.
right in the face? no shit?

how what why who when where?

i don't really do fightin (round the world), i'm about as much use as an inflatable dartboard in a fight..... doing gigs would be preferable to dildos and such.