Kidnap Travel: French Company Offers Adrenaline Junkies Something Different

Night Reaper

ooo the reaper wants more
Oct 6, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
Skydiving, BASE jumping, shark diving and other forms of near-death experience just not getting your adrenaline pumping anymore?

French firm Ultime Réalité is now offering “kidnap packages”. For around 900 Euros, the firm will kidnap you at random, bound and gag you, and incarcarate you for up to 11 hours, depending on the “package” you choose. Yes, really.

Possible add-ons include helicopter chases, “be a drug smuggler for a day”, be buried alive, or … just about anything you can imagine. You’re invited to be creative:

really cool idea, i knew of a tour in mexico where you cross a fake border at night, but this is way cooler