Kids and School....


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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Am I the only one here with Kids at school?? Anyway, I need th bloody vent

My now nearly 11 year old got suspended today (3rd time in 6 months) for fighting, not because he started the fight nooo but because he finished it, he isn't the kid picking the fights, he just finishes them, but again he gets suspended why the other kids just have bruised ego's and a detention. I just need to vent because I don't wanna go off at him this time, even the principal said he walked away 3 or 4 times before he hit the kid ONCE, but policy is the punch to the face/head is suspension, while the four of five body punches he wore are only detention, I mean for fucks sake he actually tried NOT to fight for once.....

Rant any idea's here, I am at my wits end I think
what is the punishment for broken knee caps?

also, teach your kid to take the kid behind the bikeshed (or whatever kids have these days) before he wails on him.

or to wait until schools over, that way you can belt the parents yourself when they turn up as you pick up your kid.

but schools should be doing more to prevent fights before they happen and no do shit like this after the fact.
something very wrong with kids these days -especially the little cunts in the highschool and college near where I live who always talk the stupidest fucking shit on the planet!

and don't get me started on the Entho-clone cunts!

GAH! :mad:
Southy, sounds like your boy is growing up ok - not wanting to get involved in fights, but being able to end them quickly when he needs to :) not ideal, obviously - I doubt you want your son fighting.

The school needs to wake up to the fact that he's obviously being targetted, which IMO is worse than a head punch.
Southy, sounds like your boy is growing up ok - not wanting to get involved in fights, but being able to end them quickly when he needs to :)

That was pretty much my thought. Not that I ever want kids but if I had to raise kids and they could manage that at the age of 11 I'd be stoked for them.
yes sounds like what my two eldest boys were going through a couple of years ago... I have always told my boys if you get picked on ensure u finish it and we deal with consequence later...

Southy it dont get better My eildest is in 11 and in the ACT they go to college no unforms, and seem to have a lot of free periods he started EXAMS This week and i have been rung very day this week by the school as they claim he is not turning up for the EXAMS he assures me he is ... oh boy this is fun
I'd be inclined to believe the school on that one. There would be some sort of roll or maybe set seating as well as the exam papers with their names on it and the end of the exam.
I am about 2 and a half weeks away from my first lot of teaching rounds for the dip ed I am doing this year. I am scared.

Awesome Jordan! :kickass:
The teaching rounds will go pretty quickly and easily.
Do you know what subjects/classes you'll be taking?
I wanted to be a teacher when I was growing up - it was the one achievable occupation I aspired to. Kind of wish I'd pursued it. Oh well.
Awesome Jordan! :kickass:
The teaching rounds will go pretty quickly and easily.
Do you know what subjects/classes you'll be taking?
I hope so. My methods are Maths and Business Studies (particularly Accounting, Management and Legal). I am under the impression I will be taking some VCE accounting and some form of middle school maths, but not 100% sure yet. How is your working life rolling?

For anyone interested in doing teaching, many of the people in my course are middle aged. Not only is it never too late, but it isn't out of the ordinary at all for someone to go back and become qualified.
Well, I plan on teaching English overseas once I get out of debt, so that might give me a taste for it. I'll be in my late 30s by then though.
Well, I plan on teaching English overseas once I get out of debt, so that might give me a taste for it. I'll be in my late 30s by then though.

been old can be better for English as a 2nd Language Teacher in a lot of cases.

Because it shows maturity, dedication and someone not looking for a paid holiday.

looked into it all myself the last few years and you also need some serious qualifications too but you can get them with doing the English as a 2nd Language course and then getting experience by teaching at your local TAFE and such.

just anohter case of working your arse off for a lot of reward at a later date.