
Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Has anyone else seen this yet? I saw it last week in London. It's great, and just reminds of how great Tarrantino is at blatant plagiarism. Or are his movies considered a homage, heh?

Either way, Kill Bill is great, and it's obvious Tarrantino's been watching some of the latest Japanese outings of late. He's even got Kuriyama Chiaki playing "GoGo" the bodyguard with the ball/chain weapon. (She was in Battle Royale).
I was very surprised at how much I liked it. It had it's annoying moments, and all of them were dialog related (Tarantino's cutesy shit that makes me want to kill him), but all in all it was very enjoyable. Sonny fucking Chiba baby! The size of his role put a big smile on my face...
I actually found the over use of blood to be a distraction from the film and not in a good way. The music sounded odd for alot of the scenes, but somehow fitted in perfectly.

All in all it's a pretty darn tootin good movie!
Weapon X said:
I actually found the over use of blood to be a distraction from the film and not in a good way. The music sounded odd for alot of the scenes, but somehow fitted in perfectly.
The use of blood and gore is supposed to be a spoof I think. You know, there is so much that it becomes almost comical. You should see Ichi the Killer. Hey - look at your signature!

The whole element of going from boss to boss is also a nod to Bruce Lee's "Game of Death", right down to the yellow tracksuit, with Bill obviously being the final "Big Boss". It's like watching/playing a videogame in a way.
Yeah I definitely get what you mean, but I found that I was checking out all the blood and missing those great fighting scenes and camera work.

Is it wrong to be checking out the blood? :p
As I don't want to start my own thread I'll post here that I just saw the latest Matrix installment! :)

Has anyone else seen it yet? I thought it wasn't as good as the original, but better than Reloaded. Plus there were many really nice shots in there, which made it more watchable for me ;)
I was sorely disappointed with Reloaded. OK, it had a few cool action scenes, but what happened to all the uber-cyber-film-noir from the original? It just became a CGI action movie to me, with added unecessary scene of people raving while Neo shafts that male-lookalike Trinity. Bleh.
JayKeeley said:
uber-cyber-film-noir from the original?
It is slightly more noticeable in Revolutions :) The final fight sequence had a really nice film-noir feel to it...

I agree, Reloaded sucked very much. I also disliked the fact that there was too much of eveything - Agent Smith had become such a cult character that in the second one he was morphed into someone actually quite different. The contrast between fight scenes and the "philosophical discussions" was also too great, and it lost its balance.

Some of that was addressed to a degree in Revolutions, but it is still nowhere near as good as the original.