Kill Bill Vol. 2


Jul 14, 2003
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Saw it tonight, good movie. Three sold out shows in a row so im assuming it will come in at #1 in box office money for the weekend. Anyway, a hell of alot more dialogue than Volume 1. Some really funny lines and scenes in this one also. David Carradine shows his shit in this movie, good acting especially the part at the wedding chapel. The training sequence where Uma goes with the old man is excellent also. Great fight scene between Uma and Daryl Hannah. Fuck, Tarantino rules, go see it. A completely different film than the first one but great nonetheless.
Saw Vol.2 (excellent) and The Punisher back to back.....I am still in mourning over the fiasco that is 'The Punisher'. They (hollywood) can really fuck up a great comic character. To kill his ENTIRE family, now that's a bit too much. For him to show up and say "Hey guys I'm not dead - and I'm pissed" is just plain assinine. And why the fuck did they focus on his fucking neigbors so goddamn much? Yes, all characters get tweaked a bit to make it to tha big screen, but to fuck w/ the 'Punisher' mythos so much to where ur expecting in your mind to see a neon batmobile drive up a'la Joel Shumacher is just plain wrong. Lose travolta, bring in Jigsaw and drop the neigbors and u got one hell of a movie. Thomas jane was dead on. Big up to him. The pussy hard rock sucked also. Anyone else notice that 'The Russian' was Kevin Nash w/ a peroxide crew cut?
I have come to the following conclusion:

People who say KBv2 was too slow, a completley different movie, or bad who liked part one had no business seeing either one.

Almost a perfect Chop Saki flick, ruined by peoples criticisms who didn't understand what they were paying to see.
Ragamuffin said:
I have come to the following conclusion:

People who say KBv2 was too slow, a completley different movie, or bad who liked part one had no business seeing either one.

Almost a perfect Chop Saki flick, ruined by peoples criticisms who didn't understand what they were paying to see.
Ive come to the following conclusion: those who cannot spell completely, shouldnt come to conclusions about things, they should take spelling classes.
Well damn, guess it's just one of those words for me then. Guess I'll put it on the list under necessary and above exorcist. Both of which I also always get wrong by one letter.

Nonetheless, my point still holds true.
I will say this: KILL BILL: VOLUME 2 is far less violent than KILL BILL: VOLUME 1. There is no single action scene here that even approaches the grand scale of The Bride’s battle with O-Ren Ishii and The Crazy 88’s. The overblown, cartoon bloodshed that made that fight so remarkable is here replaced with a darker, more brutal and authentic approach to onscreen carnage. It was a risky proposal for Tarantino to abandon that more animated attitude toward action sequences halfway through his story, but it was an expert stroke. As the action becomes more realistic and hardcore, so do the emotions. KILL BILL: VOLUME 2 paints The Bride as less of an immortal superhero and more as a tortured soul who is as capable of feeling deep pain as she is proficient in dolling it out. Uma Thurman does some of her very best acting in The Bride’s more vulnerable scenes. The audience feels her pain in a way that they weren’t permitted to in VOLUME 1. And, when she explodes into hard-earned fits of vengeful rage, the movie makes you want to be fighting by her side. You will want to kill Bill every bit as much as The Bride does, and you will finally understand why.
Ragamuffin said:
I also like the old point of "If you've got nothing else, attack spelling."

Either way though, right?
I guess so but I wasnt aware of that being an "old point", is that part of the keyboard conspiracy too?
That actually is a joke between me and Rev. Shoebox. Next time you miss one like that you might not want to call attention to yourself.

And if you're going to keep critiquing spelling, you might want to find the apostrophe key.
GregadetH said:
Saw Vol.2 (excellent) and The Punisher back to back.....I am still in mourning over the fiasco that is 'The Punisher'. They (hollywood) can really fuck up a great comic character. To kill his ENTIRE family, now that's a bit too much. For him to show up and say "Hey guys I'm not dead - and I'm pissed" is just plain assinine. And why the fuck did they focus on his fucking neigbors so goddamn much? Yes, all characters get tweaked a bit to make it to tha big screen, but to fuck w/ the 'Punisher' mythos so much to where ur expecting in your mind to see a neon batmobile drive up a'la Joel Shumacher is just plain wrong. Lose travolta, bring in Jigsaw and drop the neigbors and u got one hell of a movie. Thomas jane was dead on. Big up to him. The pussy hard rock sucked also. Anyone else notice that 'The Russian' was Kevin Nash w/ a peroxide crew cut?
I, fortunately, opted out of seeing this movie after reading a very detailed recap of the plot. I am a huge fan of Garth Ennis and his work on The Punisher, and when I found out that this movie was supossed to be based on "Welcome back, Frank"...I was stoked. Then I read what the actual plot was and got really pissed. I think the only thing they took from that arc was the neighbors (albeit in a much bigger role) and The Russian.

Stupid Hollywood. Ruining this movie and that thing with Halle Berry that they claim is Catwoman.
remington69 said:
Stupid Hollywood. Ruining this movie and that thing with Halle Berry that they claim is Catwoman.

That's what Hollywood does. They take a good story, add a bunch of effects, and wreck the story. Sometimes it works really well (LOTR) but most of the time it does not live up to the expectations of the hardcore fan.


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